Hold Me Tight ( Taejin )

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I'm at Yoongi hyung's house with my other friends. I'm really happy today because later I'm going on a date with my beloved boyfriend, Hoseok. i started to make scenarios with Hobi hyung but i quickly threw away the thoughts and continue playing with my friends. Suddenly, Ding! My phone ringed and as soon as i read the message, my wide smile slowly faded and a frown appeared. I can't believe my eyes and try to reread it again and again as if i have mistaken. The message is from Hobi hyung and it says " Let's breakup. You are not good enough for me and i'm so tired of you. " " What did I do wrong? i did everything to make Hobi hyung proud but was it not good enough?" i thought myself. Out of nowhere, a single tear fell down through my cheeks. " Hey! What's wrong?" Yoongi hyung asked but i said back nothing and ran out of his house. The tears blured my eyesight but i don't care. I just keep running and running to nowhere because i don't feel like going to my home. Then, i realize that i'm in the forest near my home. It's getting dark and i decided to go home. I tried to find the way back home but i'm totally lost. Today is the worst day of my life and i started crying because i don't want to live anymore. I cried very hard that i feel like passing out.


"Those guys are stupid. Why are they that annoying?" I thought myself while i was walking in the forest. It's not my fault. Those wolves in my pack are so annoying. One always break things and one always complaining about his jams. I turned myself into a wolf form and started running playfully through the forest. Suddenly, a strong yet sweet smell hits me. " Well, another human.." i sighed. I followed the smell and found the most beautiful human in the world collapsed on the grass. I shook him with my paws but i got no respond. Then, i decided to take him to my pack. For who knows how long later, he got up from his deep sleep.


I feel a pain in my head but i try to open my eyes as much as i can. The light is too bright for me. "Am i in the hospital" i ask myself but soon, i feel stupid cause people in the dramas do that a lot. For the second time trying, i can see clearly. I saw nobody but then some boy came in. I try to sit and he helped me. I keep staring with my puppy eyes as i was expecting him to explain something. "I'm Seokjin but call me jin." he smiled. "Oh, I'm taehyung..Mind explaining what happen?"i asked. " You passed out, i think and i took you to our pack! Sorry, place." he explained. "Woah, what's a pack? Who calls their home a pack?" i was confused. "Thank you so much! i should get going cause my brother will be mad at me." then i bid goodbye and leave his house so-called a..Pack! I laughed at the word he said. I walk home as quickly as i can cuase if my brother knows about it, he'll beat me and punish me. I really hate him. Well, he's not really my brother, he's my stepbrother. I threw away my thoughts as soon as i saw my house. I slowly open the door and peek to see if my brother's at home. Luckily,he's not so i came in and when i was about to go upstairs, my brother dragged me. " Where the hell did you go?" he shouted then punched me so hard. " I'm sorry hyung! I didn't mean that." i try to explain but he didn't give me a chance. He just keep punching and punching me until i bleed as hell. He then kicked me for the last time and left me on the floor. I tried to get up and run to the forest. It hurt so much but i keep running and running until i fell down. I didn't try to get up and as the crybaby as i am, i cried. I move my hand to my pocket and took the blades out. I slowly draw lines on my left hand and then right hand. All my hands are covered with blood and i feel released. My visions are blurred and the last thing i see is someone coming to my direction. 


I can feel the smell of the human earlier again. "It can't be possible" i thought myself but at last, i decided to go find him. I saw him under the tree with a blade in his hand. He seems hurt but i continued watching him. He then cut himself. Is it a good thing? i try to remember the things good humans do but i don't think this one is included. I ran to him but when i got there, he passes out. I put him on my back and ran to Namjoon cause he is the healer. When i arrived, Namjoon quickly took and and try his best. I watch him do his work and i was hoping him not to die cause i finally met my mate! I keep praying and if i could, i would pray in many different languages. " I did my best but i don't think he can make it. He doesn't have the feelings to live again." Namjoon spoke. I bursted in tears and Namjoon looks shock cause i rarely cry. He consoled me then left me with the boy. " Boi, I don't even know you well. I wanna talk with you and do stuffs like many humans do. And I wanna be your boyfriend. Don't let me live without you. The most important thing i want to say is... I Love You." i mambled myself. I can't help but cry even harder. I palced my lips gently on his and we stayed like this for about a minute and i pulled away. I decided to leave but a hand stopped me. I looked back saw Taehyung awake. " YOU'RE ALIVE!" i shouted in joy. " Yes, hyung..." he smiled. " I heard you speaking to me.." he said. "Oh yeah, what would that be?" i blushed. " And i love you too, hyung.." he whispered. I can't believe my ears. " What!?" " I said i LOVE you too" he said emphasizing the love word. I hugged him so tight. " Hyung, i can't breathe. Let me go. Hyun-" he keeps whining so i shut him up with a kiss and he kiss me back. " Promise me that you won't leave me, hyung." " Of course, baby. I would never leave you!" i replied. " By the way hyung, are you not a human? I heard you say the 'Pack' thingy." " Actually, i'm a werewolf. " i replied not wanting him to scare of me. " That's so cool! I've always liked the werewolves and now, i'm his boyfriend!" he griined which made me surprised. " Well, god fufill my wish. The only thing i wish for is to be with my beloved boyfie. I'm so excited to spend my life time with him" i thought myself while looking at his gorgeous face.


Sorry for the delay, chingu _/\_ Well, How' this chapter?? I did my best^^

Any feedbacks? =)

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