Chapter 2

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Hi everyone! I'm back with Chapter 2! This one has revealed a lot! Hope you enjoy(:


My classes was all a blur. I could't really focus at all, with my mother's words echoing in my mind. "We need to talk at dinner." We rarely have serious talks. Almost never.

Soccer practice was no different. My mind was racing, I couldn't even play right. My coach decided I wasn't feeling good and let me off 20 minutes early. I'm glad he did.

"Adriana, would you like some more meatloaf?" my mother asked. I shook my head no and my mother sighed.

"I think it's time we tell you," she said. As if on cue, my father came in at the exact time and spilled the news.

"I know how much football is important to you and I want you to go far in football. There are many more opportunites for you in Europe. Plus, all of our family is back in Portugal and some parts of Spain, so we decided it's easiest to go back," my father announced.

At first, the words went slowly into my brain. I noticed he used the European term for soccer "football" and then it clicked to me. We would be moving back.

"Move BACK? To Portugal?" I exclaimed.

"No, this time we will be moving to Spain. Madrid, to be exact. One of Real Madrid's scouts saw your game a few months back and was appalled at the way you played. He called a week ago and invited you to train at Real Madrid, and you will have your own personal coach."

I could not believe this was all happening. First, I would be moving back. But this time, not to Portugal, but Spain. Next, I would be training out Real Madrid, one of the highest and best soccer clubs in the world.

"I need to go to bed. May I be excused?" I asked, and then hurried up to my room. The thoughts were swirling around in my mind. That's when I realized, Cristiano Ronaldo played at Real Madrid and I would be seeing him again.

I remember it all clearly now. Cristiano Ronaldo, the little boy I used to play soccer with when we were little. My best friend as a child, we practically grew up together. We played soccer almost every morning. Ever since I moved, we haven't talked since. Who knew he would become one of the best soccer players in the world? After thinking about the move a little more, I finally drifted off to sleep.


Ok this chapter is pretty intense! Were you surprised or shocked when you found out Adriana was best friends with Cristiano Ronaldo, a footballing superstar growing up? What do you think is gonna happen next? Stay tuned to find out!

Goodnight my lovelies(:

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