chapter 5

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        "Vous n'allez pas toujours            
                 être aussi triste "
     *:・゚  *:・゚. *:・゚ *:・゚
The bell rings signaling the end of the day , well for most .I drag myself out of the chair not wanting to go to that place , having sessions after a while makes you quite irritable .I mean just ask the therapist .

I take slow melodic walks towards her office , not wanting to rush  there  .I twitch  every once in a while due to the pain in my arm ,i slightly groan as i push open those large glass door ready to get it over with already .You see ,when it comes to these things , i often lie .All they want to hear is that you're doing "okay" , so that they can pat themselves on the back and get paid . So i lie because i know they really don't want to help me , they just want to get paid and the whole thought just diminishes me a little bit ,every time i think about it .

I shiver at the thought as i push open the doors , not bothering to knock .The therapist smiles when she sees me and indicates where i could seat .

"oh ! you're early "

I just shrug not in the mood for small talk today as i wait for her to get it over with .She gives me a confused look as she furrows her eyebrows , her eyes looking at a part of me .I trace her eyes to see that she was looking at my arm ,and unconsciously i tug my sleeve over it .

" What's that ? " she says getting up to examine it further .

I flinch away from her slightly as i shake my head , telling her it was nothing. She looks at me once more but gives up and sighs .

" I see you've stopped bringing your book" she replies and picks up a pen with her perfectly manicured fingers and begins to jot down whatever she usually does in her book .

" i feel like i don't need it " i say lying through my teeth , knowing i clearly need it to calm down my anxiety at times.She nods , pleased as she scribbles down more sentences ,  each time faster than the other .I sigh , just wanting the session to over with already .

"My parents still think i'm a disappointment though "I say out of the blue.

shit, i silently curse knowing i had just made a mistake .I had no idea why i said it , and as the seconds tick down i slowly regret it .She raises her head up ,and drops the pen ,she gives a frown almost as if she wasn't happy with my reply .

"Why would you say that Arabella ?"
I don't reply this time and i just shrug , she looks at me with confusion , like she couldn't believe i was going to put her through so much stress again .I look away focusing on the yellow flower on her table .Its bright color is strange to my dull looking eyes , but i some how smile at it .It was very beautiful, it didn't deserve to be put in a place like this .

I shake my head in realization that someone was calling me .I turn to the therapist as she just continues to stare at me ."I hope you realize Arabella i can't help you if you don't want to be helped .And i do want to help you " I look up at her looking for the truth in her eyes and it's there .

"I gave myself the bruise on my arm " i reply to her statement and then all of a sudden the door slams open , with a beautiful pair of eyes staring right at me .


Hi guys !Im sorry this is kind of short ,but i just finished with school so i'll try to be updating more :)
Please Vote and Comment because it'll really mean a lot .

Btw be sure to point out errors so i'll be able to correct them while i'm editing .

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