Dying- A Clove Fanfic (Hunger Games Fanfic)

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*This is my own version of the Hunger Games. All character names are owned by Suzanne Collins*

I wake up. Its 4.00am. I try to tell myself to go back to sleep but its no use. Its the morning of the reaping, we will all be awake. I force myself out of bed to try and eat something. I walk into the kitchen and have a look in the fridge to see what there is to eat. Chicken sandwiches, apples, beef and juice. I stand there a while trying to pick what to eat and finally settle on the sandwiches and juice.

I hear my older brother, Marcus ( I call him Marc)  come down the stairs.

"Hey little sis", he says, as if happy. "Hey Marc", I say somewhat depressed. "Whats wrong", he says. "You know its reaping day, right?", I say confused. "Of course I do I'm not stupid. You're going to go in The Hunger Games and make us proud. I know you will win Clove", he says. I ignore him and go and sit on the couch.

My brother tells me if I get selected in the games, to act arrogant and vicious, two things I am not. On the bright side, I live in District 2 which is one of the most richest places in Panem, aside from The Capitol, of course. I finally hear my mother come down stairs with my little sister, Posy. She is only two. Too young to know the horrors of our country, too young to understand the Hunger Games. Too innocent.

"Good morning Clove", my mother says. "Morning Mum", I say in a monotone. "How about we go to the market to see what reaping outfit we can get you", She says excitedly. 

We are in the District 2 market place, looking for a dress. I look over to see Cato Hadley, the most handsome guy at our school. Not to me though.

He is vicious and arrogant. He hates me too. He struts over to me, reaping outfit in his hands. "Having a good day Clove?', he asks sarcastically. I ignore him. "You know, I'm volunteering, right?. Its a little thing called bravery Clove, something cowards like you dont have", he says in a demeaning manner. I feel my face burn in anger. "Yeah Cato? Well guess what? I'm volunteering too.", I say angrily. Cato guffaws, he is actually crying from laughter. He pats me on the shoulder. "I highly doubt you will. And even if you do, you will die in the bloodbath. Lets see how that goes".

He walks away laughing. That last comment made me so angry. Of course I would'nt volunteer, but should I do it so I mean what I said? I have trained my whole life for it, well, forced to train by my brother, who is a victor. He does'nt mentor anymore though. I could do it for my brother.

"Clove, I have found the perfect dress for you", my mother says. We go home and I try on the dress. Its an expensive dress, made with materials from District 1. It is a flowing peachy dress. I love it. "Oh Mum, I love it" I say, and hug her. Marcus walks in. "Well, well well, never thought you'd dress up for an occasion like this", he says.

Posy walks up and babbles something, I think she is saying "pretty". My father walks in the door, home early from work. For the reaping of course. "My little girl is getting so old", he says happily. I'm only 14. Cato is 17. Guess the odds arent exactlyin my favour. But I have to volunteer. For my family.

We are walking up to the town square then I get separated from my family in the crowd. "No", I cry. I am being pushed into the 14 year old Female group. They have to take a blood sample. "Next", the Peacekeeper says. I walk up and the Peacekeeper carelessly jabs the needle into my finger, deeper than it should go. "Ouch, not that deep", I say in pain. The Peacekeeper just looks at me like I'm nothing more than a speck of dirt. "You may go now Miss Sevina", she says angrily.

Ugh. I absolutely hate Peacekeepers. I am grouped once again, and see my friend, Daisy, a couple of rows behind me. She has a huge crush on Cato, like every other girl in this square. She reaches her arm out to me. I grab her hand and smile. I will miss her. I see Thalia Rankine, our District escort, come up onto the stage. She is probably the nicest, most natural escort in the Capitol. Her brunette hair is mostly natural, apart from a hot pink strip on the side. Its curled. Her skin is dyed, but not to much. Its like a pale pink. The only thing that is noticable is her bright yellow lipstick.

She starts talking about the treaty of treason, showing the same damn clip every year. I know the words to it. When the clip is done, she speaks into the microphone. "Now, as it has been for the last 74 years, ladies first". I start to panic. This is it. I am going to volunteer. But I have to do it fast or someone else might snag up my opportunity of proving I'm not a weakling to Cato.

Thalia walks over to the big glass bowl and sticks her hand in swiftly. She pulls out the piece of paper. I get ready to volunteer. " Olive Seabourne". I see a skinny, pale twelve year old walk up to the stage.

I shout the words before I even think.

"I volunteer as tribute". Then I realise what I've said and faint, hearing Catos laughter among chatter.

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