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Cindy Lewis is a senior high school student who is not fond of popularity. She likes giving herself a test to brighten up her mood. When the time comes that Terrence Baltimore is also in the same room with her, she takes the opportunity to ask him. She is thrilled of the idea. She doesn’t like him. She thinks he is silly. But deep inside, she wants to know more about him because he seems to be interesting.

Terrence on the other hand, is still in love with Jenna Leith, his ex girlfriend who dumped him after he embarrassed her in her own party. Terrence was so drunk that time, saying things that he regretted a lot when he was sober.

When these two people cross path, is there someone who is willing enough to comfort the other one? Will they be able to find love in a different way? This time around when they can’t feel love, will they let their emotions mix? Are they really willing to be part of each other’s life?

This time around when they are both in pain, will love be applicable? No one will know what will happen next.


Hey. I know this is  a boring prologue. But I'm still working with this one. I would still need to put my ideas better in words. But if you have free time, feel free to read. ♥♥♥

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