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I didn’t know that everyone left the room already. I was drifted away by my thoughts, which literally didn’t make any sense at all. I looked in front of me and I can see what our Professor wrote “Tasks should all be done next week”.

“Great.” I just knew how I will die. What the heck was wrong with that guy? We all needed to deliver some oh-so-fantastic lines and do a script which, honestly, weren’t my thing. Plus, we should have partners. I sighed. I could just pick Marley, or Charlotte but they did have partners already. I sighed again.

I went out the room to forget the dilemma that I had right now. Yeah dilemma, because, I wasn’t good at this.  Now I had to look for someone who’s willing to humiliate himself with me.

I scanned the theater room no one was around.


“You simply don’t know what you’re saying.”

He shrieked when he heard my voice and turned. “Who are you?”

“With what I’ve heard, you still can’t get enough with her. You are so mad that seeing her with other guy still hurts you.” I smirked.

“You think that made you smart to guess what exactly I’m feeling right now?” He answered in a serious tone which was a mix of anger and sadness. I stared at him. I couldn’t fathom what he was thinking. There was something about his eyes that will make you like to comfort him but at the same time, will make you not to trust him.

“Enlighten me then so I could understand.”

“I don’t have time talking with strangers.” He started getting his bag and wearing his headphone. I followed him on his way out of the Theater Room. “What do you want?” He said not looking to me.

I smiled inside when a stupid idea hit me. I would make a deal out of this guy. He could help me with my task for next week. “I genuinely know who Jenna Leith is and I wouldn’t say anything I heard earlier if you will accept my offer.”

He stopped. Looked at my direction. Scanned me completely. “What are you? A member of her fanatic club? I don’t care if you know her, everyone knows her.”

“And everyone knows that she dumped you when you attended her party, drunk. Oh yeah, so everyone knows her.” I said straight forwardly.

His brows met, at some point, his anger was much visible now. He walked towards me, I stepped back as I can smell danger. “I will not say that you still have feelings for her.”

“Stop talking like you know me wh-“

“I know you Terrence.” I cut him off.

Yeah, Terrence  Baltimore. The one who was so in love with Jenna Leith. The one who was all known for being the best in the Soccer Team. The one who was silently great in playing guitars and drums. And the son of the owner of the school. And I just took the risk of asking him to be my partner because I just want to challenge myself if he would accept it.

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