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“Now what are you thinking?” Marley hit my arm while we were heading to our next class.


She rolled her eyes and stopped me. “He’s Terrence. He is trouble.”

I glared at her. “We don’t know him really and besides, this is just for the play. FOR THE PLAY. Stop acting like I am his new girl! I AM N-“

“Are you his new girl?” Someone interrupted me. When I turned, I saw Jenna. She was perfectly stunning.

Charlotte elbowed me. Like saying, that we needed to escape. Well, she was just Jenna. And that’s all.

“What if I say yes?” I didn’t know why I said that, but something inside me wanted to make her mad.

She frowned. She scrutinized me from head to toe. “I didn’t know he lowers his level now.”

Did she just insult me?

“I don’t really care, Jenna.” I sneered. I walked away from her because I just realize, the same time she looked stunning, same time she looked bitch.

“Cindy, I’m telling you, for the sake of your life here, stop whatever your plan is!” Charlotte shouted when Jenna was out of earshot.

I got annoyed by this exaggerated action of Charlotte. “Seriously?  Charlotte? We are not playing any dramas here. I’m not doing anything bad so please stop. You’re overacting.”

After that conversation we had. Charlotte and I were quiet for the whole period. Marley just stayed silent. It was already my free time, but the two of them they still had class together so I headed to the school’s canteen.

I had egg sandwich and apple juice and sat in the couch at the back part of the cafeteria. After a minute, Terrence sat. I was no longer shocked.

“What?” As he was just looking at my food. “You want?” Offering the sandwich.

“Lewis, I’m not here to eat. I’m here for the play.” He said plainly.

I chewed my sandwich. “Oh that, ignore it. I’m fine not to have you as my partner.”

He smirked and sat closely. “Why? Are you scared now? Look, everyone already knows that we are partners. So what do you have in mind now? What are we gonna play?” He asked and drank my juice.

So I had no choice now. “I don’t know Baltimore. You provide one. I’m planning not to perform that. I’ll just ask Smith to give me a special project.” I said. Okay so was this a “back out” scene?

He laughed. “No way he will give you one. Well, just give me the copy tomorrow so I can prepare myself, and oh, I don’t like chick flick kind of play. Just give it a twist.” And he then took my final bite of sandwich. “Tastes good. See you, Lewis!”.

Woah. “What was that all about? Hey Terrence!” I shouted, everyone looked at me. Ugh. Terrence had gone out now. His usual habit.

The classes were all done. I tried searching around the hall, looking for Terrence but no signs of him.  I just thought of an idea about the play. I needed him to be aware of this. I went to the rest room after I lost my hope of seeing Terrence.

When I looked at the window, I saw Jenna, together with a guy. They kissed.

“Wow. You never failed to surprise me.” I uttered.

When I made my way out and headed towards the hall. I saw Terrence. I was about to call him when I realized he was looking from afar. And as if lightning stroke me. I felt sad.

I knew he saw what Jenna did.

I would like to come nearer but decided not to. I turned around and headed the other way.

“Avoiding me?” Terrence spoke. I tensed.

“I’m just giving you some quiet time you know. I’ll go now.” I hurriedly said.

“Hey. Can you accompany me just for now?” He seriously asked.

I can feel my eyes wanting to get out of my sockets. Did I just hear it right?

“Terrence, I’m no fun.” I said unknowingly.

Crap. Did I just say that?

He laughed hardly. “Lewis, I’m not going to rape you.”

It’s okay to rape me. My sub-conscious reacted. Can you please stop? Ugh.

“Look Lewis, I just want not to be alone this time. But if you don’t want, that’s just fine.” He smiled generously.

“Fine, I will stay.”

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