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We just sat at the Theater Room. This time usually, you can’t find any people anymore in this room.

I realized that this room really had different emotions just like what you can feel for each play that happened here.

“This room makes me feel like I’m secured.” Terrence said, his voice echoed.

“Why?” I queried but he just ignored it.

“Lewis, there is one thing I would like to ask you.”

My heart pounded so hard. What was he going to ask? And why was I nervous?

“What’s your first name? I just know you’re Lewis when Smith mentioned it. Don’t think that I’m rude because I don’t know your name.” He asked innocently.

Okay what did I just feel earlier? Did I think that Terrence will say something that I didn’t expect? Scratch that idea now.

I cleared my throat, I tried to hide the disappointment in my tone. “Cindy. Cindy Lewis.”

“Oh Cindy. Nice to meet you.” He giggled after. What was so funny about that?

I crinkled my forehead. “What kind of humor do you have?”

“Nothing. I just find it funny.”

“What do you think of your name? Something to be proud of, huh?” I asked somehow irritated.

“Hey, I wasn’t referring to your name. I was referring to the fact that we are talking but I don’t know your name. Calm yourself, Cindy.” He explained. I shook my head at my reaction about what he asked earlier. Why was I becoming short-tempered nowadays.

“Okay, you should be make things clearer. Not all words will be understood. It can be taken the other way around.” I smiled then.

Crickets. Now it was awkward. We weren’t talking. We were waiting for someone to bring up a topic but no one dared to do so.

“Terrence, I’ll just go. We will not be productive here. And besides, it’s getting dark.” I gathered my bag and stood up.

I just realized that this was a meaningless conversation. Scratch that, we never really talked. We just listened to the sounds we can hear inside the room, and to our own breaths.

“Cindy, I would like to forget. Let’s go to my place.” He begged.


I fumed up. I can feel my blood raging upwards wanting to explode. Did he just say he would like to forget? I was pretty sure this time that I did not misunderstood him.

He thought I will come with him, didn’t he?

“Now tell me where is the decency in you.”

He was lost for words. I didn’t wait anymore for him to speak up. I just hurriedly walked away. I almost thought he wasn’t like that. I was wrong. Of course, all guys had their own silliness. I just didn’t expect that from him, now.

Or maybe I thought, he was like those fairy tale guys.

Stop dreaming Cindy.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2014 ⏰

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