Untitled Part 5

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A couple days later, Tom texted her. 'Is your friend there? Is it alright if I stop by for a bit before my plans with Ben later?'

'I'm hurt that you even have to ask. You are welcome regardless of whether he is here or not,' she replied.


Roughly five minutes later, there came a rapping at her door. "Tom?" she called from down the hall.

"Yes," came the muffled response.

"Come in."

She heard him enter, and greet Ciaran. She grinned. "I'm in the living room."

He walked in and grinned at her. "Hello, darling."

Ashling smiled. "'Ello." She returned her attention to Crash Bandicoot, and motioned him over with her head.

Tom walked over, plopped down on the couch, and leaned over to kiss her cheek. "All right?"

"Mhm," she responded with a grin, while nodding. "Chandler should be here shortly." She grinned again.

Within five minutes, she heard the doorbell again. "Chandler, if that's you, come in," she called. After hearing him enter, she called out again. "Living room, mate."

He walked in the room, and dropped a duffel bag near the doorway. "Hey there, Gizmo."

Ashling grinned. "That nickname will never be unwelcome." She stood up, and jumped on him for a hug, wrapping her legs around his waist. "It's wonderful to see you!"

Tom tensed. Was he... jealous? He forced himself to relax.

When both feet were back on the floor, she smiled up at Chandler. "This is Tom," she said while turning slightly to introduce him. She then turned to Tom. "And, obviously, this is Chandler."

"Oh, wow. It's great to meet you. I loved you as Loki. So badass." He grinned at Tom.

After returning the smile, Tom stood to shake his hand. "Hello. Nice to meet you. And thank you," he said before returning to his seat.

Once seated again, Ashling picked up her controller. "So. What is it, exactly, that you're in England for, again? I mean, I know you said business, but what exactly does that entail?"

"Lots of boring-ass meetings that my boss didn't want to have to suffer through. So when he asked for a volunteer to go in his place, I offered. It got me out of Chicago, and I get to spend a few days with you," he finished with a grin. "So what's new, punk? How are things with you?"

"Pretty good. Well, except that Jamie's out of jail."

"Seriously? Damn. For how long?"

She shrugged. "A few days now, maybe?"

"He hasn't been here at all, has he?"

She shook her head. "He called when he got out. He... apologized." She arched an eyebrow and glanced at him. "He also asked to meet up. I told him I'd think about it," she said.

Chandler gave her a look. "You can't be serious."

She shrugged, and nodded. "Yeah. I mean, he apologized. When's the last time he did that?"

"Uhhh...." he trailed off, bringing his thumb and forefinger to his chin. "Fair point. I dunno, though, dude. He doesn't really seem like the type to change. I think you're just too forgiving. Or maybe I mean naive? Hmm... Maybe both..." he said with a smirk. "Either way, I do think you're making a mistake. Buuut, that does seem to be your most popular method of learning," he finished with another smirk.

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