Chapter 4

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"All I'm saying is, I'm surprised,"

I raised my eyebrows, "Why?"

I was face timing Sarah after school that day. I had an interesting day, and I honestly needed to vent. I figured my parents wouldn't want to hear about me making a deal about not falling for a boy, and I wasn't good enough friends with anyone else.

"I mean, when you called me yesterday, you had no friends, you were alright with Josh, but didn't you just say Vincent is infuriating?"

I nodded, and groaned. "Yes, he is. He's so sassy, and he was just there, and I was feeling confident, and ughhh,"

Sarah laughed, "Babe, you don't make a deal like this with someone because they are sassy," She paused. "Is he hot?"

I rolled my eyes into the back of my head, "Unbelievably hot."

She moved from her bed to the chair sitting in front of her desk. I saw the familiar purple walls, and I sighed. It was getting a little more interesting here, but I wouldn't mind going back right now. My mom walked into my room and threw me a smile. "Hey, babe, we are having pasta for dinner." I nodded and she closed the door as she left.

"I miss your mom," Sarah said after she heard her voice. "But anyways, moving on. Cute boy. Do you think you'll win?"

I shrugged, "Not sure. We've barely talked and the few times we have he's just insulted me."

She pushed her dark eyebrows together, "What? How did this deal even come up?"

"No idea," I paused. "It just happened. After the glitter thing, he just got playful." I ran a hand through my hair.

Sarah gasped, "Ooh what if.. what if Josh likes you, and he told Vincent, so because of that Vincent is trying to figure out a way to get you closer to him,"

I snorted, "Okay, that's a huge stretch, and also I don't think Vincent would care that much. Plus, I don't think Josh likes me, or even would like me. I don't think I'm his type."

"Gay? The hot ones always are,"

I thought about the various catcalls I've heard, and the sex stories he's told Vincent as I was sitting there. "No, he's for sure straight."

"Then why wouldn't he like you?"

"Josh would like someone like you," I smiled, "Strong, scared of nothing, and wild."

The connection went wonky, and it didn't fix itself so I hung up and texted her that I had to go anyways. We texted back and forth for a minute, then Mom called me down for dinner, so I dropped my phone on my bed and headed downstairs.

I sat down, and Mom followed in suit, the dish of pasta hitting the table with a soft tap. She started to scoop her food, and I scrunched my eyebrows together. We usually ate with Dad, and if mom wasn't home, we waited for her.

"Shouldn't we wait for Dad?"

Mom chewed the bit of food she had in her mouth, before addressing my question. "He was supposed to tell you himself, but you came home in such a good mood, he didn't want to spoil it." She stopped talking, but I waited for her to continue on. "He found a job,"

I reeled back, surprised. "What? That's great news, why would it ruin my day?"

My mom pushed around her hair, which I noticed was freshly cut. "Because we both know how much you love these dinners, and the job your father has is a night job, so he won't be able to eat with us very often. Well, Sunday dinners are still mandatory, but other than that, schedules might conflict."

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