Chapter 7

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The next day in school I couldn't help but look at Josh's papers as Mr. Standford passed them out. He had a large 63% on the top corner, and I silently winced. That's a D. I met eyes with Vincent who gave me a scolding look, but frowned slightly as Josh ran his fingers through his hair and sighed, put out.

Vincent may or may not of dropped the fact that Josh was failing several of his classes last night as we were eating grilled cheese.

My paper was handed to me, and the 92% that normally made me happy, made me want to cringe as I tried to smoothly flip it over without Josh noticing. It wasn't as though I wouldn't mind helping him out or anything, it's just I don't think he would appreciate me smiling and showing it off as he's distressed about his grades.

Josh noted my not-so-subtle move, and reached over to flip it over anyways. He read the first couple of sentences, and I looked at him warily. Josh wasn't stupid, and he read the material, so I couldn't figure out why his grades where like this.

Vincent got his paper back, and he didn't even bother trying to hide the 99% at the top. I stared at him for a moment, even though I knew he was smarter then average since he was in a senior math class, I just wondered if he excelled at every class.

"I have to get my grade up.. fuck," Josh cursed and shoved his paper into his bag. I have him a sympathetic smile. I thought about how I could help him, but I guess a lightbulb had already burned over Vincent's head because he jerked up in his seat.

"Rowan, isn't Sammie like number four in the class?" He asked, but didn't give me nearly enough time to answer. "Ask her for help, J."

Josh looked over at me. "Is that embarrassing? Asking the girl that you are kind of into for help?"'

I shook my head, and leaned back in my chair. Of course she would say yes, after freaking out and calling Jamie ten times. "I told her you were into her." I looked at Vin around Josh. "Told you my ship was sailing."

I felt him roll his eyes.

"But seriously Joshie, ask her. She's super smart, and I know she wouldn't mind."

We all stopped talking after that and started to pay attention in class. We were learning advanced literary terms for when we write our essays over our book. Some people still had read their summer homework, but I finished Of Mice and Men a long time ago. I had even started working on the essay. The only reason all of this is done is because I had nothing better to do all weekend. I sit around watching Netflix on my phone that only works about 2/8 of the time. I try to do homework when it doesn't work.

The house has been getting quieter and quieter, and most days I'm by myself, which is kind of lonely. Hey, my homework is getting done though so.

The bell rang and class ended. I took my time slipping my stuff into my backpack, because the boys always waited until I walked out to leave too. Sammie met me outside the door. Do you see what I'm planning?

As I took over thirty seconds to zip up a compartment of my bag, Vincent did. He reached over and zipped it up all the way, and slung it out of the chair and handed it to me. "Rowan, you're being irritating we don't have all day,"

I playfully shivered, and slung my bag onto my shoulders, "I love it when you talk to me like that, Vincent,"

He scoffed and pushed my shoulder so that I would start walking to the door. "Oh, Vin, don't manhandle me like that," I started to fake a southern accent. "I'm just a simple southern woman I can't let you ruin my virtue,"

I walked out the door, and smiled over my shoulder. Vincent eyes flashed up to meet mine, followed by a nod in the direction of my next class. Well, my friend Sammie more specifically.

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