Chapter 11

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Time had literally frozen. Okay, well not literally, but it felt like it. I stared at Caleb as he roughly got up out of the chair. In a split second, I met eyes with Vincent. He stared down at me shocked, and I knew my face mirrored the same thing.

That was his sister and his best friend he was talking about, how could he even fathom that. My eyes darted over to Zara and Jamie, who were just blinking. I took a step towards them, but Vincent grabbed my arm and nodded his head towards Caleb.

He turned around slowly. "This is your fault,"

Raising my head, I looked to see who he was blaming, and choked when I noticed his glare was on me. "We were all just fine before you moved here." Caleb threw his cup onto the ground. "Sammie actually spent time with us, we had our own lunch table, we didn't all date each other,"

I scoffed and raised my shoulders. "None of that is my fault, besides the lunch table thing,"

Caleb took a step towards me. He didn't say anything for a second, but I could tell he was furious. "It's all your fault, and you're so far up Vincent and Josh's asses that you can't tell that you're ruining everyone's lives."

I took a breath. That was a low blow. Not gonna lie, I was getting pretty mad. I started taking slow steps towards him. "I'm the one ruining everyone's lives?" A bitter laugh came out of my throat. "You just called your sister and your best friend dykes. It was hard for them to even accept any of this themselves and when they finally feel good enough about themselves to share it with their closest friends, you're the only one who can't accept them?"

Caleb shook his head, and I had to remind myself that he was so drunk he could barely stand. "You're probably the one who convinced them to tell all of us, and you ruined that. You're a ruiner, Rowan."

"Shut the hell up, Caleb, I'm serious," Vincent piped in.

Caleb met eyes with him over my head. "You would stand up for her. Just cause she has a fantastic ass doesn't make her Jesus,"

I shook my head, and pushed his shoulder. "Let's go," I pushed him again and he started walking. "You need to cool off, have some water, and sleep this off."

He stumbled again, and turned around to glare. "I can't , there is no tent,"

I hissed through my teeth, "Smartass, there is a ground."

We walked a bit away and sat down on a log. We sat in silence for a couple minutes, just thinking, after a second her groaned. "God, Rowan, I'm sorry," He paused. "I take it all back about you about them, it's just ugh,"

I grimaced, and leaned against his shoulder, "I know bud, I knew I sensed it,"

His shoulders shook, "I've been in love with her for years, Ro,"

I stiffened at this, and turned to look at him, "Really?" He nodded. "I can't even imagine what you're going through, but that's not an excuse for what you did,"

Caleb looked at me. "I know, I feel like a terrible person, I wanted to take it back as soon as I said it to them, but my mouth just wouldn't shut up."

I grimaced, but patted his knee. "They'll forgive you, it may take some time, but they both love you so much, it would be impossible for them to hate you forever."

He sighed. "You aren't Vincent's little bitch,"

I choked a laugh out. "You never even called me that,"

"I did in my head,"

"If anything Vincent is my little bitch,"

Caleb leaned forward onto his knees, with a toothy grin on his face. "He is, honestly." I raised an eyebrow. "He never paid attention to anyone, besides a couple females, and Josh.. but with you it's so weird. I've known that kid since we were in pre-school, but with you, that was the first time I had ever seen him open up to a stranger. Sure, he would occasionally talk to us, or say hello to someone else, but he just let you in so quickly,"

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