Chapter 17

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After school that day the girls wanted to go out to the mall, and any other day I would've gone with them, but I thought about the giant stack of homework I had piling up and declined. I knew that my studies hadn't been my focus lately, but they needed to be again.

   It was junior year, and though I would still have a little time to bring my gpa back up if I didn't get the hottest grades, but I would rather just get good grades the first time around. Sammie, being the bestest friend she could be, offered to come over to my house with me to get stuff done.

Over the past couple of weeks, I'm not sure if it's because of Zara and Jamie dating or Caleb being gone and acting like a dick, but Sam and I have been getting a lot closer. It was kind of like the group had sectioned off into pairs, but now that Caleb is back I'm not sure how or if it is going to change anything.

I stepped out of the school, Sam at my side. I had to blow into my hands after a couple seconds. It was already so cold. "How cold does it get around here?"

Sam grinned at me. "Cali girl,"

I rolled my eyes and went to storm away dramatically, but luckily she pulled my arm back as Josh's banged up truck pulled in front of me. I let out a yelp, and jumped back a foot. Josh and Vincent were both in the front laughing their asses off. I raised both my eyebrows to Sammie, only to realize she was hiding as laugh as well. I flung his door open and climbed across Vincent to slap Josh.

He snorted and slapped my hands away, and I started to pull away with a grin on my face as Vincent wrapped his hands around my waist and pulled me onto his lap. "Want a ride?" He whispered in my ear.

I shivered internally, and turned to meet his eyes. "I don't know," I paused and leaned forward. "How fast do you go?"

He raised an eyebrow, his smirk already on his face as he let go of my hips. I slid down, and opened the door for the backseat. "You alright with giving us a ride, after nearly killing me?"

Sammie gave me a look and climbed in after me. "You were being dramatic then, you're being dramatic now." She pulled the door shut and leaned back. "He was going 5 miles per hour."

I grinned, "I still could've died, you never know,"

Vincent turned around, "No, we know. You would've been fine,"

"I automatically win the bet if you kill me,"

He winced. "Damn, plan ruined."

I kneed his back through the seat, and pulled my phone out. The grin that plastered itself to my face naturally came when I noticed a text from Sarah. My old bestie, not Alice's friend. She asked me to call her.

I slid my phone up and hit the green phone button, and after a couple rings she answered. "Heyyy,"

"Hey," I laughed out. We hadn't talked in weeks, which was totally not my fault. She ignored all me messages, though I wasn't going to bring that up now, the first time we talked.

"What's going on?"

"Not much, I'm on my way home from school, how about you?"

"I got home about twenty minutes ago," She paused. "So I had sex,"

I choked and almost dropped my phone. "What? With who? When?"

There wasn't a reply for a second. "With James, a couple days ago."

I sucked in a breath. "James, like my ex-boyfriend James?"

Sammie turned her head to me, and formed an O with her lips. She has heard many horror stories of my times with him.

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