Chapter 22

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     "You're just lucky they aren't pressing charges," My mother snapped as we were leaving the police station, cutting off my 300th attempt to apologize.

"Mom, she was saying horrible things about Vincent, and past that she was saying shit things to me too!"

She angrily pulled her car door open, and threw herself in there. I looked back to the door to see Vincent walking out with his Mom, a shameful look on his face. She didn't even seem surprised when she walked into the station, although talking to the sheriff with all of us there, including parents, Derek, and Marissa, was the single most awkward experience ever.

"Rowan, get in the car." My mom said, and I roughly pulled it open and climbed in.

"I'm sorry, Mom, I've apologized so many times, I just want to know that you don't hate me."

She ran a hand through her short locks, and started the car, but didn't begin driving. "I could never hate you, if we are being honest, I am not even that mad at you. I'm disappointed that your first instinct is to hit first, talk later. Although, I'm not sure if I am allowed to be upset when it's my fault you had such a bad childhood."

I immediately started shaking my head, "Mom, no, you gave me as best as you could," Tears sprang in my eyes. "You didn't cause any of this, this is all on me. I need to learn to talk with my mouth not my hands, I am so sorry."

My mother reached over and rubbed my knee. "You've apologized enough for one night, Rowan, it's okay. You had a valid reason," she paused. "That girl seemed like a real bitch even when I was talking to her."

I nodded my head in silent agreement, "I can take comments about me, that has never been a problem, but when people say things about my family or friends, I just... everyone means so much to me, I'm very sentimental, and I guess I care too much about them, because they just got me so mad talking about him.."

My mom put the car in reverse and began to drive, a small grin on her face. "You really care about that kid, don't you?"

I nodded again, not even bothering to deny it in the slightest. "I like him, Mom, I really really like him."

We drew to a stop at a red light, and my mom reached over and brushed my hair behind my ear affectionately. "I know, baby, I know."


I woke up the next morning still in my dress and makeup from last night, though my lip was throbbing. I groaned, and slowly climbed out of bed, heading into the bathroom.

I looked into the mirror and had to resist the urge to scream at my ugliness.

I hastily brushed my teeth and washed my face. I would take a shower after breakfast, but first I needed to feed the mumbling, grumbling monster in my stomach. I padded silently to get my food, grabbing my phone on the way.

After I had made some toast, I flipped my phone open to check my notifications and was surprised to see I had nearly 50 messages, most of whom were from concerned friends, others from random people who just wanted to know what happened, and one from my own residential bad boy.

I clicked his first, shocked when I noticed it said one word, "Sorry."

I scrunched my eyebrows together, and clicked the call button. It rang for a couple seconds before he sent me to voicemail. I made a face, and dropped my phone onto the table.

"Hey, sweetie," I turned to see my Dad walking down the stairs, getting ready to leave for work.

"Dad!" I yelped, jumping up and running over to him. "I feel like I haven't seen you in weeks."

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