Death is Only the Beginning

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The next day, we arrived in Karnak. Rick and I were anxious to get off the ship. Izzy tied the ship down as Rick and I ran to the train that Imhotep and his followers had been on. As Ardeth ran to the temple, I cleared half of the train cars while Rick cleared the other half.

"They're gone. We've lost them." I yelled to Rick as I hopped out of the locomotive car, I joined Rick on the outside of the train just as I heard Evy yell.

"ARDETH!!!" She screamed bloody murder. Jesus fuck Evy. We sprinted to meet her in the temple. I slowed down as I entered, admiring the once gorgeously embezzled walls. I brushed my fingers across the pillars wishing I could read what all of them had to say. That would take forever and we didn't have that kind of time.

"Alex left us his tie... And he made us a little sand castle. It's the Temple Island of Philae. They've gone to Philae." Evy exclaimed. I smiled, my nephew was one smart cookie, just like his mother.

"Attaboy, Alex. Come on!" Rick said running back towards the ship. We hopped aboard. The ride to Philae was pretty short, I didn't get off this time, instead I stayed aboard and admired the view from where we were. I knew if Alex was leaving these breadcrumbs it wouldn't be long until we caught up. Philae was beautiful, maybe a spot for a future vacation. I smiled to myself as the thoughts consumed my mind. We were traversing south all the way from Cairo. Who knows where we'd end up but my hunch told me we would continue south to the border of Egypt and Sudan. Once Rick, Evy, and Ardeth got back on board they told us we'd be going to the temple of Abu Simbel, confirming my thoughts of southern travel. Ardeth wrote a note and sent Horus on his way to the 12 tribe leaders. Soon we were surrounded by rock, happily cruising through the beautiful landscape.

"That's the Blue Nile down there." Rick pointed out the obvious as he looked over the side of the ship. "We must be out of Egypt by now." We were getting closer to Alex and Abu Simbel. Just as I thought, southern side of Egypt on the border of Sudan, he was incorrect saying we would be out by now.

"Built by Ramesses II, son of Seti I, dedicated to Ptah and other ancient Gods." I pipped up from my seat. Remembering Seti was supposedly my father and Ptah my husband. 

"In ancient times, all this still belonged to the upper kingdom. The oasis must be around here somewhere." Evy said feeling the same way I was. I was getting very impatient as we drew closer, I longed for the ground, and to be in action again. I hated being in the sky for so long, although I knew this was the quicker way to travel nowadays and we would find Alex sooner. But by god if I wasn't on the ground soon so help me I was going to attack someone or throw myself off the ship, this time on purpose.

"Don't worry. We'll find him. He's a smart kid. He'll leave us a sign." Rick said once again trying to soothe my sister in this stressful process. I smiled, he really was the most helpful man I knew. Suddenly, I had this horrible feeling come over me. It seemed like paranoia so I brushed it off, then I saw Izzy's face portraying the same thing. Oh no... I started to hear something coming for us. Whatever it was I had no idea but immediately I saw it from the back of the ship. My family had been at the front. I was paralyzed, I couldn't move as I saw the giant wave of water with Imhotep's face in it.

"We're in trouble!" Izzy screamed alerting us to the danger.

"Wow." I heard Jonathan breathe out amazed to see this giant wave of water coming towards us. It took us a while to actually register what was happening.

"Horus, fly!" Ardeth said immediately throwing the bird to the sky, it took off flapping its wings rapidly. 

"Izzy, come hard right! Starboard! Starboard!" Rick yelled eager to get us away from the threatening water wave. Just as the face attempted to swallow us Rick ran to me and grabbed my waist so I wouldn't fall down as the ship propelled forwards and Izzy guided us to safety. Even with Izzys best efforts the water splashed over us, promptly soaking Rick and I. I fucking hate being wet. I shivered as we recovered, Rick kept his arms around me trying to warm me up with his body heat.

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