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I turn quick enough to see dark hair disappear under water.

My heartbeat accelerates in alarm when its obvious that the person is in distress and may actually be drowning.

When the person struggles to come up for air and then sinks back in, the struggle pulling him under water, I realize that it's Ethan.

Hurriedly kicking off my shoes, I dive into the deep end of the pool and swim towards the rapidly sinking boy. I grab him under his pits and struggle to the surface.

He's already taken in too much water and is unconscious so its quite a struggle getting him out of the pool.

Without thinking, I start giving him CPR and I'm forced to give him mouth to mouth.

I take a deep breath and press my lips on his.

I jolt back in shock at the electricity his lips passed through me.

Focus Dylan.

I place my hands on his chest and pump gently, then place my lips gently on his.

I start exhaling into his mouth, while pumping his chest alternatively.

I freeze when his lips move against mine gently, almost unconsciously. Ethan Black is kissing me. Albeit unconsciously.

I find myself not pulling back, instead I'm leaning closer to him and relishing in the feel of electricity coursing through my veins.

Dylan what is wrong with you?

I instantly pull back when I realise what I'm doing.

As I pull back, he starts coughing, I sigh in relief and lean back on my heels, watching him double over, coughing out all the water inside him.

Why isn't anybody out here?

As if in reply, the door bursts open and everyone spills out.

Thankfully, its dark so nobody sees me and I'm able to sneak out through the back and head outside.

Just like I originally planned, I hail a cab and head home.

When I get home, Chase and Mary are probably already in bed because there's nobody about.

In my room, I strip out of the wet clothes and change into dry PJs.

I crawl into bed and that's when I let out a sigh.

My hands involuntarily move up to caress my lips still tingly from the feel of Ethan's. A small smile spreads on said lips.

Then I start laughing.

I literally double over and start laughing hysterically.

Why am I laughing?

Because Ethan Black has a pool in his house and he can't even swim.


The next morning, I'm standing in front of the mirror and I frown. Something is wrong.

I keep staring at my reflection, wondering why I look different today.

With a gasp, my hands fly to my bare neck.

My mother's locket is gone.

Panic settles in my chest as I frantically search the bathroom and my whole room.

I get my brothers to search the house and even Mason puts aside whatever it is that's wrong with him to help me look for my mothers locket.

We don't find it.

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