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This is never happening again.

I don't care if I seem childish or immature or whiny, I don't care how much he pleads, I don't care how many tantrums I throw, I don't care if she gets vibes that I don't like her.

Phoebe is never ever joining our tutoring session ever again.

Even now, I grit my teeth as he yet again ignores me and shows her how to solve a problem.

I've been stuck on one paragraph for 2 freaking hours, the second even a quarter of his attention is on me, she calls him and like an effing lap dog, he turns to her.

Like wtf, she doesn't have dyslexia she can freaking read!

"I'm going to get something to drink" I announce suddenly, standing up. They both turn to look at me and Phoebe smiles, "oh okay, water is fine for me, cold please"

I literally bite my tongue so I don't say something along the lines of 'I never asked you what you wanted, you attention whore'

I just nod instead and head to the kitchen, I find Chase and Kendall in there, they were supposed to be making dinner but that's long forgotten as her back is pressed against the fridge and his hands are above her head. She's giggling like she's on crack.

"Oh hell no" I announce, making them turn to me, "I left there because I didn't want to be sick and I won't let you guys bring the bile up again" I tell them firmly.

Kendall laughs slightly as Chase pushes off the fridge and shoots me an amusing look.

"I peeped in there a few minutes ago and y'all looked pretty cozy, oh well they looked cozy, you looked like you were planning the best way to murder her without spilling blood"

"Har har, hilarious" I shoot him a disgruntled look before opening the fridge and grabbing a can of sprite and gulping half of it in one go.

"If you want me to, I can sneak up behind her and snap her neck, quick, painless, no mess" Kendall suggests, a smirk playing on her lips as she starts setting up ingredients for dinner.

That pulls my lips into a small smile, "don't tempt me, please" I tell her because I'm honestly considering it. We'll just have to wipe Ethan's memory of the past 24 hours, no biggie.

She shrugs, "just lemme know if you change your mind, I don't quite like her, she gives off that 'I'm nice but I have ulterior motives vibe'" she says.

I nod, "me too, or maybe that's just my jealousy talking" I shrug, before grabbing a bottle of water, ensuring it is not even a little bit cold.

"I can look into her if you want?" Chase offers, reaching up to get the ingredients Kendall can't reach.

I shake my head waving him off, "oh please no, that's overreacting, if at all she isn't who she says she is, she's probably just a bitch underneath."

I grab another can of sprite for Ethan before heading back to both of them.

"Cook" I shoot both of them a warning look.

"Stay away from her neck!" Chase calls out, he and Kendall's laughter, escorting me out.

I trudge back to the living room to find them even closer than when I left them.

Seriously, a little bit more and she'll be in his lap. How does he not see it? Or maybe he does, maybe he actually likes her.


"Here" I hand them both their drinks, a small frown on my face.

"Thank you" Phoebe accepts the water but a small frown forms when she notices the temperature. She says nothing however.

"It's not cold" Ethan, aka captain obvious points out, a matching frown on his face.

We're a bunch of frowning idiots.

"It's fine", she assured him,  placing her hand on his jeans clad thigh.

"No, it's not" he reiterates, shooting me a look,  "I'll go get you another one"

"You're not allowed in my fridge" I blurt out, folding my arms defiantly.

He raises an eyebrow,  "that contradicts with all the times I've raided your fridge Dylan"

I roll my eyes and drop unto the couch just as he passes me,  kicking my leg slightly.

The silence between me and Phoebe is deafening.

For like five seconds.

"I'm sorry" she blurts out, not meeting my eyes.

"For what" I ask even though I can think of a couple hundred reasons. Number one being her entire existence.

She shrugs, "honestly,  I don't know what I did, but you seem really pissed and I don't like having enmity with my friends"

"Friends?" I question, my body suddenly tensing.  I am not her friend.

Her eyes widen, "I mean- I just- um I thought-since, Ethan-um"

"stop" I raise a hand to stop her terrible stuttering, "it's okay, we can be friends" I offer her a small smile.

She visibly relaxes and smiles at me, "thank you, I usually have trouble making friends, and I really want to be yours"

Great, how can I hate someone so nice?

"That's really nice, thank you"

Just then, Ethan appears with a smile and I know he heard the entire conversation.

He shoots me a small grateful smile and hands Phoebe the chilled bottle of water which she accepts with a grateful smile.

Oh now, we're a bunch of smiling idiots.

We continue the tutoring,  nothing really changing in the attention sharing but at least my blood isn't boiling anymore.

Phoebe is new and she's most likely scared, Ethan is hot and smart and nice,  I won't blame her if she already has a crush on him. She's pretty nice, I guess and honestly,  I already hate Tammy, I don't need another person to hate. So I guess I'll just calm down and see what happens next.

Around six, Phoebe's phone rings, she picks it up.

"Hey Pete... No I'm at my friends house remember?  I called mom earlier... Well, you... But you said you were free throughout today... Well I assumed you'd come pick me up... I can't ask him to do that, he already brought me here... I can't walk!... Peter!... Ugh fine, see you at home."

She hangs up and let's out a frustrated sigh.

"Everything okay?" I ask.

She shakes her head,  "when I told my mom I was coming over,  I assumed she'd tell my brother he was coming to pick me up and now he's saying he can't and I have to walk,  I don't even really know the way. Only the address"

"I'll drop you off" Ethan offers in a heartbeat.

But...but my ice-creammmmm.

"No, I can't ask you to do that" she counters.

"I insist, besides I'm the one that brought you here, I can't have you walk home in a place you don't know, and it'll soon be dark out" he presses.

He promised me ice-creammmmm.

"Okay" she agrees, "thank you"

He smiles, "it's no problem"

*sniff* RIP ice-cream.

I'm so sorry this is so short guys, next chapter will be longer, promise.

Question: Favourite ice-cream flavor?


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