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"Kick higher Ray, arms up Macy, protect your face, Jackson put Rhea down that's cheating! Iris! We don't aim for the nuts that's just mean, he's not an actual bad guy remember"

I watch the bunch of twelve year olds utterly murder all the techniques I taught earlier. And I don't mean in a good way.

"Take five everybody" I yell, once I feel like gouging my eyes out.

I head over to the corner with my stuff there and I grab my bottle of water before emptying half the contents down my throat.

Next I retrieve my phone and just as I'm about to unlock it, I feel someone tap my shoulder. I turn and inwardly groan when I see that it's Landon, the creep that has been staring at my chest all day.

"Can I help you?" I raise an eyebrow and fold my arms. I quickly drop them though when his eyes fix on you know where.

"Actually" he starts with a sick smirk, "I was thinking I could help you. Why don't we ditch this kids and I'll show you privately some moves I've learned"

This little bastard.

For a moment I'm speechless and my mouth drops open.

"I hope that's not its limit love, I'll need it to open wider for what I have in mind"

In a flash I grab his arm, twist it and pin him against the wall, he let's out a cry of surprise and pain.

"If you'd paid attention in class and not on my boobs, you'd know how to get out of this situation." I twist his arm harder and he let's out a muffled cry due to his face being pressed into the wall.

"Now listen carefully, wash your mouth out with soap, bleach your brain completely then find a girl your age desperate enough to deal with your bullshit, preferably Iris so she can knee you in the balls when you mess up and I'd advice you not to approach me ever again, I've lost count of the amount of arms I've broken and your parents signed a form so I'm not responsible for any injuries you sustain."

I pull him back harshly and trip him so he lands on his back hard,  "pay more attention in class and learn something other than innuendos."

"Damn girl, who pissed in your cornflakes this morning?"

I roll my eyes and pull Landon up, "I'm- I'm s-sorry" with that he runs off, tripping over his laces once.

I roll my eyes and turn to my brother.

"Am I so unappealing that only twelve year olds hit on me?"

Jayden bursts into laughter at that, shaking his head slightly, "that's hilarious coming from someone that has a date in like an hour"

My eyes widen and I grab his wrist to check the time. I'm so late.

"Shit I have to go, thanks again for filling in Jay, I'll see you at home"

He nods, "okay have fun but not too much!"  he calls after me as I sprint out of the building.


"Stunning, I'm a miracle worker I tell you" Sophie claps her hands then leans back on my bed to admire her work.

I step in front of the mirror and assess myself cautiously.

I'm dressed in a black sleeveless dress with a white cardigan over it. White flats cover my feet and my hair falls down my back in soft waves. My makeup is minimal and looks completely natural. I actually look beautiful.

With a wide grin, I turn to Sophie, "I love you to the moon and back, girl" I tell her happily.

She flips her hair and smirks, "you'd be crazy not to"

"Dylan, it's for you!"

My eyes widen in panic, "he's here!"

Sophie flies up and grabs my hands, "calm down okay? You're going to watch a bunch of kids play musical instruments, you've handled way worse than that, you'll be fine"

I nod, and take a deep breath, "you're right, thanks Soph."

She smiles "I'd hug you but that'd ruin the masterpiece, now get going, he's waiting"

I give her one last smile and grab my purse which tonight is actually filled with normal stuff.

He's at my door, talking with Chase, he's dressed in a pair of dark jeans and a black button up shirt with a slim white tie. He looks gorgeous. And I know what you're thinking, we aren't color coordinating, the event is black and white themed.

I clear my throat, more to curb my wandering thoughts than to get their attention.

Chase's eyebrows shoot up so far they almost meet his hairline, Ethan just looks stunned.

"I don't know if I should be flattered or insulted that you're that surprised" I comment biting back a smile.

They comically compose themselves and say simultaneously, "you look beautiful"

"Hell yeah, she does!" Sophie yells from upstairs, her head showing over the banister.

I smile and walk over to Ethan grabbing his arm, "we'll be home around eleven" I tell my brother. Ethan said we'd go to dinner with his sister afterwards.

His eyebrows raise again, "it's just five thirty" I shrug, "I didn't ask, bye now"

"She's amazing" I whisper as the sweet melody of the piano fills the silent hall filled with awestruck people.

Kathleen's eyes are closed as her hands fly over the keys, a small smile of content on her face.

"She has ADHD"

My head snaps to Ethan so fast I almost get whiplash, "What?"

He turns to me and gives me a small smile, "Kathy has ADHD, I guess she's always had it but she was diagnosed three years ago"

I turn my attention to the twelve year old, calmly playing the piano.

From what I know about ADHD, I don't think she should be able to sit so still and calmly.

"It's amazing isn't it" Ethan says with a small smile, "it's only when she plays music that her focus is on one thing, her music means to her what your art means to you" he turns to me then and my breath catches in my throat. How can someone look at you and you suddenly can't breathe?

"That's why you're so good with my dyslexia and why you're so patient with me" I whisper, still caught in his gaze.

His smile widens, "it's part of the reasons"

"What are the others?"

He chuckles, "you'll find out soon enough" says, with a wink before turning to watch his sister play.

I blink once, the spell broken, "Jerk" I mutter as he chuckles slightly.

We continue to listen to Kathy play and a few moments later, I feel him take my hand in his. My first instinct is to withdraw because it feels foreign and weird. I don't though, because it also feels nice, really nice.

He squeezes my hand and I return the gesture. In the moment, after throwing all common sense to the wind, I rest my head on his shoulder and smile when I feel him stiffen before relaxing. I lift his hand and absent mindedly draw circles on the back of his palm, inhaling his delicious scent and basking in the feels.

I don't know why I'm doing this-acting like we are a couple-but it feels really nice and I haven't ever felt this way and I really really want to someday.

With Ethan Black.

They're just so cute, I can't even🤧

I'm so sorry for the late update guys. Busy busy busy.

Don't forget to vote and leave several comments!

Question: Can you play an instrument, if yes which? If no, let's wallow in our lack of talent together 😭


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