What He Truly Wants

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[Author's note: Just a warning, slight gore near the end. I’ll let you know when we get to that part beforehand.]

I open my eyes slowly, rolling over to look at the time. 5:26 am. It’s way too early…

I get ready like I always do, brushing and fixing my hair and getting my clothes on. I make some coffee and grab a bagel for the road. Work was thankfully nice today. Time seemed to fly and before I knew it, five o’clock rolled around. On my drive home, I realised I had went most of the day thinking about that dream at one point or another. It had felt real, but I also have a tendency to confuse my dreams for reality. Just last week I asked Meredith how she was doing with her new dog and she just looked at me funny before saying she had no clue what I was talking about.

I pull into the driveway, glancing up at my house. I always liked this house because of how open the large windows made the interior feel. I get out of the car, heading up to the porch and unlocking the front door. I let out a sigh. “Finally, I’m home.” I lock the door behind me and hang my keys nearby, kicking off my shoes at the same time. I walk through the living room, glancing over the counter at the oven clock. “Six thirty. I don’t really feel like making dinner, but…”

I wave a hand, sitting down on the couch. “Nah, I’ll just warm something simple up. Maybe that lasagna?” I prop my arms up behind my head and sigh. That dream won’t get out of my head. I hear nails clicking against the wood floor and look over at Sheila, my coworker’s dog, who was a fluffy standard American Eskimo. “Hey there girl. Jonathan will be back in just two more days.” I pet her head as puts her front feet in the seat next to me. Jonathan had to travel and needed a last minute dog sitter. I’d never been a fan of dogs, but Sheila was pretty sweet. She reminded me of a dog I had as a little kid.

I scoot over before laying down, kicking my feet up on the couch arm. “It’d be nice if I had something to do. Should I play a game? I should definitely get dinner started; that lasagna takes at least two hours to cook.”

“Perhaps you’d rather play with me instead?”

I sit bolt upright, looking over the couch back at the man standing before me. For half a second, I nearly said “Mark” but his dark red irises told me otherwise. “Y-you!” I scramble to stand up but fall off the couch instead, hitting my head on the coffee table.

He leans over the couch back with a smirk. “Having a bit of trouble, dear?”

My throat catches for only a second before I steel my nerves. “No, just fine, thank you. So, that wasn’t actually a dream. Or maybe I’ve gone crazy. Probably the latter.”

He merely chuckles, taking his time to walk around the couch. Sheila lowers her head in a growl before Dark snaps a glare at her. She doesn’t even flinch, though. She just stares at him with her body bristling with suspicion. After a few moments, she eases up. She walks in a quick circle, sitting down and smiling up at him in the way that friendly dogs have the tendency to do.

I look on, incredulous. “No, he’s a bad guy, Sheila! Attack!” She merely shakes her whole body before turning to me with her soft brown eyes. I pat her head with a sigh and she stands before trotting off to another room. So much for that.

I watch her leave, turning back to face Dark. “So, you’ve brainwashed the dog. What’s next, me?”

He lifts my chin. “Don’t tempt me, dear.”

I wag a finger at him. “Rule number two; you said I had free will.”

He puts his knee on the cushion. “I have other ways to control you, dear.” He pulls me toward him as he leans back. I’m laying on his chest at this point and I can’t get back up easily. Despite my efforts to stand, he pulls me closer, kissing me slowly. I feel intoxicated somehow and melt on the spot. He chuckles into my lips before pushing me back softly. “Convinced you yet?”

I bring cool air into my lungs and feel the previous haze leave my mind. “Wh-what the hell? I thought you said you wouldn’t-”

“And I didn’t.” He cuts me off. “That wasn’t mind control, sweetheart.”

“Bullshit.” I scoff.

He smirks. “It’s the truth.” He leans forward, his mouth grazing my ear. “It was just a fun little type of persuasion called lust.” I jump back, my face burning up as I turned away from him. He lets out a chuckle, standing up. “No need to be so jumpy, dear. I’m done with you… for now.”

He leaves the living room, heading into the hallway. My only guess is that he’s going to my room. Despite how much I wanted him to go somewhere else, I didn’t want to risk the chance of being caught by him in a bedroom. I shiver at the thought of what he might do.

I pick up my phone, double checking my calendar. Yep, tomorrow was the last day I’d be taking care of Sheila. The day after that, Saturday, Jonathan would swing by at about ten. I guess I was obligated to let Dark know, but I’m too keen on telling him right away. I huff, glancing over at the kitchen. “Guess I should probably make something to eat now. Is it too late to cook the lasagna?” I pause. “Does Dark eat food? I’m not sure…” Once again, I didn’t really want to go and ask him.

I decide to leave him be and set to warming dinner. After all that is said and done, I go back to my bedroom, exhausted from a multitude of things; work, warming the food, Sheila. Most importantly, I was mentally drained from trying to get a handle on Dark. I open my door, extremely relieved to find him nowhere within sight.

I go into my bathroom, cleaning off the light makeup I used that morning and washing my face. I pat my face dry, hanging the towel back up before making my way to my room. I crawl into bed, pulling off my dress and swapping it for my nightclothes. After I finally got comfortable under my warm comforter and sheets, I drifted off to sleep.


The restaurant bustles with activity. I sit calmly, watching the man sitting across from me as he adjusts his tie. “I hope that dinner is to your liking?” He smiles as he asks me. I nod, hesitant, and he senses my discomfort. “My dear, you have nothing to fear.” He lurches forward, gripping the table cloth tightly. “HE WARNED YOU! HE TRIED TO WARN YOU!” He laughs menacingly, twitching his head slightly before easing back in his chair.

“I can provide you with anything you desire. Just say the word.” He flicks his head to the side, cringing. “I would do anythiNG TO CONTROL YOU!  I WILL MAke you happier than you could ever imagine.” Suddenly, the table is gone and he walks forward, lifting my chin. “Don’t you understand? I love you. I want you to stay by my side, fOrEvEr.” His nails dig into my skin but I can’t seem to move my body, despite the pain. “I will set you free, if only you would help take revenge on that piTIFUL HUMAN NAMED MARK.” He grabs my shoulders roughly, digging his fingers in. “HE THINKS HE CAN CONTROL ME! I WILL ASSUME COMPLETE CONTROL OF HIS CHANNEL! I WILL MANIPULATE THOSE HE LOVES, EVEN HIS FANS!”

He chuckles darkly, reaching up to cup my face. “And after everything is said and done, you will be by my side. You will bE BROKEN AND TORN TO PIECES, LIKE A RAG I HAVE NO MORE USE OF!” His hands tighten around my face. He kisses me roughly and I’m finally able to fight, but it’s too late. He pulls back and the last thing I see are his thumbs.

[additional gore warning, skip to next chapter if you are uncomfortable]

He’s saying something, but I can’t hear him over my intense screams of pain. His thumbs push into my eye sockets, gouging my eyes out and leaving me blinded. I crumple to the ground, limbs shaking as I reach up to my face. I feel his hand grip my throat, and suddenly a sharp pain pierces my stomach. I feel like vomiting, but his hand around my throat keeps everything down. I can’t see a thing, but I feel the contents of my abdomen spill out through a large gash. I gasp, but soon find myself without air. A gentle hand cups my cheek, whispering incoherent words in my ear. I'm convulsing as my lungs search for air they will never find. I don’t hear his voice, as I’m already dead.

The Dark's Lovely Puppet (Darkiplier X Reader) [CANCELED/INCOMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now