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[ Author’s note: For those of you who skipped the last piece of the previous chapter (due to being uncomfortable with gore), you didn’t miss any important piece of plot, but I’ll summarize without the details. Dark blinded you, hurt you enough to kill you, and at the end, he cups your cheek and whispers words to you gently, but you can’t understand him. You then die. ]

I sit upright, gasping for breath and looking around. It’s pitch dark and I feel my pulse race. No, no it can’t be… I feel my face, closing my eyes and gently touching them. Still there…

The nightmare left me breathless and I felt like my skin was crawling. The Darkiplier from my dream was right; Mark had warned me. He said in his February charity stream that Darkiplier was nothing but manipulative. He would say or do anything to get what he wanted. I have a feeling that dream might have been spot on in that respect.

I dress quickly, constantly looking over my shoulder to see if he was there. As I finish, making my breakfast and eating it quickly, I realise there’s really only a few different things I could do at this point. I could try to contact Mark and tell him what’s happening, but most likely he wouldn’t believe it, thinking instead that it was a prank or a joke. Besides that, even if he did believe me, Dark would make sure to punish me for it. He might even hurt Mark, but for some reason I felt like he wouldn’t be able to bring himself to do that. He did admire Mark, after all.

I turn away from the sink where I had just set my dishes and jump back. Darkiplier chuckles, wrapping his hand behind my neck and trapping me against the counter. “You’ve been awfully quiet this morning. I hope you haven’t been thinking too much on how to get out of our promise, because I can assure you, it won’t happen.”

I gulp, trying not to meet his eyes. I can’t keep the exasperation out of my voice as I speak. “Of course not! Are you insane…?”

He moves my face toward him, meeting my eyes. “I’m glad you asked.” He grabs my arm with the other hand, digging his nails into my skin deeply. I let out a cry, trying desperately to get away from him. My legs give out, and he lowers me to the floor, crouching down to stay eye level with me. “I’m actually rather sane, my dear. You would not be, however, if you tried anything sneaky. Speak to me in that tone of voice again and I’ll make sure you feel the pain even more clearly.”

He wipes a hand over the place that he hurt and the cuts instantly heal. I look up at him. “I… I thought I just had to make something up for when you punished me?”

His nose twitches slightly and he adjusts his collar. “It would have been too bothersome to cover up. It’s obviously from someone’s hand.” He turns to leave once again and I can’t help but sigh in frustration.

Yes, I totally thought his character was cool and hot before, but this is getting out of hand. I definitely need to find a way to contact Mark. I grab my hair in frustration. There’s absolutely no way to do that, though! “Unless…”

I stand up shakily, leaving the kitchen to look for Dark. I pause, looking to the time and cursing under my breath. “I’ll have to ask him tonight. I’m going to be late for work if I don’t leave now.”

I grab my purse, heading to the door, but pause as I notice his figure standing in the doorframe. “Where do you think you’re going, dear?”

I frown. “I’m… going to work. I have responsibilities, you know.”

He smirks. “And if I told you to stay here instead?”

My eyes go wide and I can’t form words right away. Is he serious? He always seems very serious and definitely doesn’t seem like the type to joke about anything. “I… I can’t.”

He grabs my arm, pulling me into his chest, and wraps his arms around my waist. “Wrong answer.” He kisses me roughly and I instantly feel like melting. My heart is racing and my stomach turns. My entire being is trying to tell me not to fight it but my brain takes over.

I push away, stumbling back onto the floor. “See? That’s what I’m talking about!” He holds a hand up to his mouth as he looks down at me. “You’re not supposed to go brain dead when somebody kisses you!”

He smirks. “No, That comes from something else entirely, my dear.” He steps toward me, crouching down in front of me. “I see you’ve underestimated my abilities, dear. I can’t make you feel however I want you to feel without any kind of special powers. Now, I might forgive you and allow you to go to work…” He lifts my chin. “If you kiss me and tell me that you don’t want more.”

My breath hitches and I lean back slightly, letting his fingers slip from my jawline. His dark red eyes pierce me and I have to look away. “If you don’t do it, I’ll just make you stay here.”

I look back, determined to leave. Without a word, I lean forward, pulling his mouth to mine. He seems slightly surprised at first, but chuckles into my kiss. Once again, I feel intoxicated by him. I will my body to stop, trying to convince myself to stop, but soon I’m sitting in his lap, my knees on either side of him. He’s leaning back, letting everything happen, and I can’t help but feel like he’s toying with me.

Finally, I find my will to stop, biting down before leaning back with a gasp. I stand quickly, adjusting my dress before stepping around him. He’s holding a hand to his lip, now bleeding slightly. I pause at the door, not turning to face him. “I don’t want anymore…”

As I turn the handle, stepping out and locking the door behind me, I stumble down the hallway, pausing against the wall. I bite my lip, clutching at my chest, as I realize just how badly I did want more.

The Dark's Lovely Puppet (Darkiplier X Reader) [CANCELED/INCOMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now