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schools almost over!!! good riddance!!!!

schools almost over!!! good riddance!!!!

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idk who drew this,, im sorri


Thunder rumbles through the night as raindrops the size of Skittles crash against the surfaces. The splats of droplets cause Taehyung to stir in his sleep, unhappy about the annoying disturbances. But the storm didn't cease, despite his complaints. Instead, it gets worse. The ground-shaking booms intensifies with its impact and makes Taehyung frown in slight fear.

With his eyes closed, he stretches out his numb arm to feel the space next to him. When he comes in contact with nothing, he opens his eyes. 'He's still awake,' Taehyung realizes as he props his weight on one elbow with a dazed look. He scans the room for any signs of the raven-haired. Taehyung yawns cutely like a kitten, and slowly gets into a sitting position on the bed. He rubs his sleep-filled eyes with the back of his hand. Then he notices a small strand of light coming from the crack of the door. And when he listens closely, he can hear the shuffling of papers.

Taehyung lets a groan leave his lips, kicking the warm bundle of blankets off his uncovered tan legs after. The blond shifts to his right and hops off the bed, producing a soft thud. He shuffles over to the door and swings it open with his sweater paw. Taehyung winces at his sudden exposure to the blinding light, squinting his eyes to block it.

"Gukkie?" The smaller calls out with his sleepy voice as he drags his feet to the living room, where Jeongguk usually does his extra work at. He sees a familiar figure dressed in nothing else but light grey Nike shorts, sitting on the couch with his usually styled hair undone and loose, the locks falling over his forehead. Taehyung recalls the past, when Jeongguk always left his hair down and when he used to ride that black motorcycle of his. A small smile emerges on his lips because of that.

The light pads of Taehyung's feet pulls Jeongguk out of his concentration, the other snapping his head to his direction.

Jeongguk's eyebrows furrowed at the sight and he checks the time on his Rolex. It showed 1:39 AM.

His attention is brought upwards when Taehyung is now nearing him, "Daddy.." The younger whines, pouting with his soft lips. "Hey baby," Jeongguk tugs him down to his lap and the two adjust to the new position, "Why're you awake?" Taehyung just rests his cheek on Jeongguk's shoulder, his eyes sort of drooping.

"The storm... and I saw the lights on.." He manages to mumble through the sentence. Jeongguk releases a euphonic hum, running his warm hands against Taehyung's even warmer thighs. He plants a loving kiss on Taehyung's lips which the blond accepts eagerly. "You should go to sleep, I still have some work to do." Jeongguk moves to put distance between them, but he stops at the tensing of Taehyung's body. "Noooo," the smaller protests, shaking his head so fucking adorably. Jeongguk coos, his heart clenching.

"I wanna stay with you." Taehyung stares up at him, and all the older wants to do is to pepper his tiny face with kisses. He lets a caring smile crawl up, reaching his hand under his light pink Adidas hoodie that Taehyung was wearing. "But baby, I can't do work with you here," Taehyung pulls back until where they're face to face and Jeongguk sees his perplexed look. He hurries to reassure him, "You'll distract me, love. All I'm gonna pay attention to is you."

Blood rushes up north, Taehyung's face turning red as he smiles shyly. But that still didn't get rid of the fact that Jeongguk wanted him to leave. "But Daddyyyy," he drags the last syllable out and does the best cute act he can do.

Taehyung gives him his famous puppy eyes as he places both of his hands on the other's firm, exposed chest. He feels Jeongguk take a sharp breath when his hands run past his abs, to his lower abdomen, then down to his- "Okay, fine, you can stay." The blond smiles in triumph, and leans in close to place a little kiss on the top of Jeongguk's nose, "Thank you." Jeongguk grins, a dreamy expression dominating the one from before. 'What did I ever do to deserve him?'

With permission to stay, Taehyung gets off of his lap and sits on the floor in a kneeling position between Jeongguk's muscular legs. He examines the countless of piles of papers laid out on the coffee table.

"El Repaso para el Examen de Español," He read over the bold letters on a packet, speaking quietly since he wasn't as confident in his Spanish as he was three years ago. But Jeongguk still smiles. It's been a while since the two have conversed in Spanish. Actually, it's been a while since Jeongguk has heard the blond speak Spanish at all.

So he starts, "¿Quieres ayúdame con calififcación?" He says a bit quickly, but Taehyung understands (surprisingly). The younger blinks and does a tiny nod, "Okay. ¿Cúal?"

Jeongguk's heart warms and he reaches across to give Taehyung a stack of packets. Then he bends down and kisses his hair swiftly, "Thanks darling." Taehyung wearily nods in reply and picks up the red pen laying on the table, flipping through the first completed review.

The raven-haired watches in amusement as the smaller puts little x's on the wrong answers and writes the grade with that cute handwriting of his, adding a smiley face when someone got a hundred. His eyelids begin drooping though, the struggle to stay awake becoming apparent. Jeongguk holds back a laugh and went back to silently watching the blond's head lowering every few seconds. But after a while his willpower depleted and Taehyung was knocked out, the side of his face now resting on the glass.

A knowing sigh leaves Jeongguk's curved up lips. "I told you to go back to bed," he stands up and hooks his arms under the other's limp body, "but you never listen, do you?" He lifts up Taehyung's weight quite easily, and began to walk back to their room.

Jeongguk lightly kicks the door, entering the room which was dim with the faint light coming from their Ironman nightlight. He heads over to their king-sized bed and gently sets Taehyung down on the soft mattress.

He feels a strong urge to just leave all of the papers there and finish grading tomorrow, his procrastination and laziness from high school kicking back in. The wanting grows even more when he watches Taehyung doze off like a little kitten. And he craves to have the younger's back pressed against his front, being able to hear his subtle inhales and exhales.

Then as if Taehyung read his thoughts, he reaches his arm out and grabs his wrist weakly. "Stay?" He suggests with a quiet voice.

Jeongguk is still at the question, but he answers warmly afterwards, "Yeah, why not."

Thus, the older climbs up the high bed and patted the space next to him. Taehyung follows happily, scooting closer to the warmth and snuggles up against Jeongguk's front. The two breathe in each other's scent as they encircle their arms around one another.

"Sleep, you have morning class tomorrow." The blond mumbles with his eyes closed, and pecks the arm above his head. Jeongguk hums, his eyelids already fluttering shut.

"Night baby, I love you."

"I love you too, Gukkie."

"I love you more."

"I love you most."

"But I love y-" "Hyung, go to sleep!"


i should be studying hhsjsjshj


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