7th Grade

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Jack's pov:

I can't believe it, I'm moving back to Ireland. Half of me is excited and happy that I'm moving back to the place that I was born and the place I love but, the other half of me is sad about it. What about Mark? How would I explain this to him? I'm gonna have to tell him now.  I went to Mark's house and played video games, I put on a fake smile and pretended like I was happy and apparently he noticed because, not to long after we started playing video games he asked me what was wrong and why I looked sad. This is the start of the conversation...

M- Jack?
J- Yeah, what's up?
M- What's wrong, you seem sad.
J- *sighs* Ok, Mark I know this is some pretty sad news but...
M- But what?
J- But I'm.. moving back to Ireland.
M- You're joking right?
J- Mark I'm sorry but.. I'm not.
M- Why didn't you tell me sooner?
J- Mark, are you ok?
M- No, I'm not ok!
J- Mark, I'm sorry!
M- Tell me why you didn't tell me sooner!
J- I didn't want to hurt you, look Mark, my dad got a new job back in Ireland and we're moving back with him, it wasn't my idea to go back.
M- Just leave me alone!

After that he just ran into the bathroom. I could assume he was crying and didn't want to show me. He's the toughest guy I know but, that's only on the outside. I learned how sensitive he was during the years I've known him and I could always tell when he was hurt because I'm very sensitive myself to be honest.

Mark's pov:

I can't believe Jack didn't tell me sooner. Once he told me I was shocked. I did cry but I ran into the bathroom before any tears even fell from my eyes. While I was sitting on the floor leaning against the bathroom door, I thought about it and realized that I can't just blame him. These things sometimes have to happen and that's that. I walked out of the bathroom and went back in my room to see Jack sitting on my bed quietly sobbing. I could see the tears fall from his eyes as they hit the floor. The conversation starts...

M- Jack, I'm sorry bro.
J- It's alright Mark.
M- I'll tell you what.
J- What?
M- Promise me that we'll see each other again someday.
J- *intertwines pinkie with Mark's* I promise.
M- Is this a pinkie promise?
J- Yes now, will you promise me the same Mark?
M- Yes Jack, I promise we'll see each other again.

Then we hugged and played video games once again. I'm gonna miss him when he leaves, as a matter of fact, I miss him already.

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