Adventuring LA

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Felix's pov:

After me and Mark finished our breakfast, we debated whether or not we should stay home or go around LA. We finally decided that we'd go around LA. Mark was taking a shower and I was getting my clothes ready. I sat on the bed and just looked up at the ceiling thinking about stuff. I heard the bathroom door open. I looked down from ceiling to Mark in only a towel. I blushed a bit and he blushed as well. "I-I just forgot my shirt." he said walking quickly to his closet and grabbed the shirt he wanted. "Y-yeah, ok." I said back grabbing my phone. I can't like Mark can I? I mean I like Jack but I wouldn't think I like Mark. No, I don't like Mark. At least I don't think so.

Mark's pov:

"Dangit, I forgot my shirt." I mumbled to myself as I opened the bathroom door. I was about to go in my room when I realized Felix was looking at me blushing. I was a little confused for a few seconds until I felt my face burn. I..because of Felix? "I-I just forgot my shirt." I said as I rushed to grab a shirt out my closet. "Y-yeah, ok." Felix replied as I walked back in the bathroom. I don't like Felix like least I don't think I do. I got out the bathroom my face burning more than before. "Y-you can take a show now." I said looking away. Why was I stuttering? "Um, ok, th-thanks." He quickly grabbed his clothes and took a shower. When he finished, we went to the movies. We watched 47 Meters Down and it was pretty cool but, I don't like the Ocean so yeah, there were tons of sharks in that movie and I didn't like them. When the movie was over we still had time left so we went to play some games since it was in a mall. When we finished, we just decided to hang at the house. We ate some food before we left so we weren't hungry. We sat down on the couch and turned on the TV. I guess it was some kind of comedy show because it was pretty funny. My hand was sitting on the couch until I felt the warmth of Felix's on top of mine. We stared at each both blushing until we quickly looked away and removed our hands. "S-sorry, it was an accident. I-I didn't know your hand was right there." Felix said glancing at me every so often as he spoke. "Oh uh..i-it's fine." I said smiling a bit. The conversation continues...

F- Mark?
M- Yeah what's up?
F- Y-you know I like Jack right?
M- Yeah why?
F- Well, I think I'm starting to like you too...
M- Really?
F- Yeah, sorry if your like weirded out or whatever.
M- I'm not.
F- You aren't? But why?
M- Because I think I'm starting to like you as well...

After that he just stared at me for a few seconds before he put both hands on each side of my face and kissed me. It was short but I was ok with that. "What was that for?" I said with a slight chuckle. "I don't know, I just really wanted to do that." he said grinning. I smirked and said "Well it's getting pretty late, I guess we should head to bed." "Do we have to?" "If we want to catch our flights tomorrow then yes." "Ok fine." I just giggled a bit and we both went in the bed. I changed into some shorts and didn't really care to put on a shirt so I got in the bed just like that. Felix did the same. It's just more comfortable to sleep with no shirt on. "Night Felix." I said about to turn off the light. "Mark?" Felix said before the light went off. "Yes?" "I know this is a little weird to ask but um..uh..c-can um.." "Can you what Felix?" "C-can we cuddle maybe? I don't know, if you don't want to that's fine I don't care too much, I was just curious but I-" he was cut off by me turning off the light and cuddling him. He did the same. "Thank you Mark." I raised an eyebrow but it was too dark to see. "For what?" I say in almost a whisper. "For being awesome. I'm so sorry for being rude when I first came down to LA. I don't know what came over me." I couldn't see him but I knew he had a sad expression on his face. "It's fine, don't worry about it." After that, I could hear silent snoring coming from Felix letting me know he fell asleep. I fell asleep a few seconds later.

(To me, this story is just getting weirder and weirder. ITS 2 MEN CUDDLING AND BEING ADORABLE! Idk I just....idk.)

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