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Mark's pov:

Today me, Jack, Felix, Ken, and Pj are going to a photoshoot(I didn't add Amy and Signe because in the book it's before they had girlfriends). We were in front of like this wall or screen with all of our symbols on it like my Warfstache and Jack's Septiceye. It was me, Jack, Ken, and Felix's turn to take a picture together. We took a few where Ken and I were holding Jack with a weird face and he was just lying down while Felix was looking at the camera and pretty much posing. What was so unexpected was when Jack came up and kissed my cheek. I jumped a bit in surprise but I went with it and made a face at the camera. When we finished, Jack, Felix, and I went back to the house and helped Felix pack a little bit because he would be leaving in two days. We all sat down to watch a movie when I asked Jack to come in the room real quick. "Felix, you can choose something to watch, I wanna talk to Jack a bit." I told him. "Oo, ok have fun you two." Felix said with a chuckle. "Shut up Felix!" I yelled as I shut the door behind me. The conversation starts...

M- Can I ask you something, you know,  about the photoshoot?
J- Uh, yeah, I-I guess.
M- Why did you kiss my cheek? Was it for the picture or was there a different reason?
J- I, uh, I..
M- You what?
J- I, um..
M- Jack just te-

I was cut off by Jack quickly pecking my lips and running off. I stood there for a few seconds in shock before a smile formed on my face and I walked out of the room.

Jack's pov:

I can't believe I did that. I just kissed Mark. Sure, it wasn't a very long one but it was still stupid of me to do. After that I just ran out the room. A few seconds later Mark came out with a smirk on his face looking at me. I panicked and stared at him with wide eyes. He sat down next to me and cupped my face in his hands and kissed me. I was shocked but kissed back a few seconds later. He pulled away and we both jumped and looked at Felix who scared us from clapping. "Bravo, bravo, septiplier is definitely confirmed now right?" Felix said with a grin. "I don't know, Mark?" I said looking over to my Korean friend. "Only if you want it to be, either way is fine with me." he said smirking. "Then no, I don't want it to be confirmed. I'm sorry Mark but I just don't want that right now." "Oh no it's fine, I understand." "Good." I could see in his eyes that he was heartbroken. I felt really bad but I just wasn't up for it. For pretty much the rest of the day, we watched a movie. Felix went in the bed and me and Mark stayed up. I felt bad for him. I was sitting on one end of the couch and Mark was sitting on the other. He had his elbow on the arm of the couch and his head resting on his fist while looking at his phone. I went closer to him and he gave me a quick glance and them looked back down at his phone. I kept moving until I was sitting right next to him. He glared at me forms few seconds before he spoke. The conversation starts...

M- What are you doing Jack?
J- Nothing.
M- Look Jack, I know you probably feel bad but I'm fine really. It was your decision. I'm not gonna make you do something if you don't want to.
J- Mark, when I said no, that look you gave me broke my heart. You were heartbroken and I didn't like that.
M- I'm fine Sean.
J- Mark I'm sorry, that's all I want to say.
M- You don't need to apologize.
J- Mark please.
M- Look, there's no need for an apology.
J- Yes there is, you should have seen the look on your face!
M- Look, I'm fine ok!
J- ....
M- I said I'm fine.

Then after that he ran off into the bathroom. Great job Sean, way to go make things worse. Come to think of it, I haven't called Sean in a long time. Normally people said that if I was in trouble or if someone was mad at me. I guess Mark was pretty mad. I was probably being annoying. I should just leave and go back to Ireland. Mark probably doesn't want me here, especially because of what I've been doing. You know what, imma book a flight without them knowing. They wouldn't care if I was gone, would they? I go on the computer and make sure Mark or Felix isn't around. Since no one is around me I look at tickets to go to Ireland. There's some for tomorrow and really early. I'll just go get my stuff now and sleep on the couch or at least try too. I'll escape out of the house and run to the airport. It's not too far from here anyway so I don't have that far to run. I went into the room and saw Mark and Felix were fast asleep. I frowned and walked over to my stuff. I packed it up and quietly shut the door. I decided to leave now instead of later because this was probably the best way. I ran all the way to the airport. I took a few breaks before reaching my destination but I made it anyway. I had already bought the tickets so now I would just wait. My flight was at 6:00 and I arrived at 5:59. Wow, great timing. When I finally boarded my plane, I sat alone by a window. I was glad no one sat by me. "Am I taking this too far?" I thought to myself. I shrugged it off and listened to music. I few minutes later I ended up falling asleep.

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