9th Grade

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Jack's pov:

Wow, 9th grade. I spent about 2 school years here in Ireland. I made a new best friend named Felix. He's a cool guy. He gives you this thing he made up called the Brofist. Man, we have lots of good times together but, they will never match the times I had with Mark. Me and Mark don't talk anymore though, I guess it's a distance thing. I guess we just forget since we don't live so close anymore. Speaking of living close, me and Felix are actually neighbors. How convenient. Me and Felix play lots of videos games together and most of the time, they make me think of Mark. He's the closet friend of mine. I miss him a lot and I hope he misses me too. "Hey Jack, what's wrong, you seem to zone out a lot." I hear Felix say as I snap back to reality. "Oh, sorry Felix, I was just thinking." "About what?" "Nothing important, now let's get back to the game." "Ok." we go back to playing our game and keep playing until we get tired of it. It was 9:00 so we just played with like, action figures and stuff. Well, we didn't necessarily play with them bu-, oh who am I kidding, we very childish on the inside, of course we were playing with them. Once it hit about 11:00, I started to get tired. I lay down in Felix's bed and slowly started to doze off until he woke me up. He shook me and yelled, "Jack? Jaaaack? Wake up!" I opened my eyes and look at him. "What Felix!?" "Don't go to sleep now, can we stay up all night?" Felix, I don't know if I can, I get tired too quickly." "Please?" "Fine, I'll try." "Yay!" It was now about 1:30 and I was trying so hard not to fall asleep. Felix, on the other hand, was so hyper he seemed to have been eating too much candy or something. At about 3:25, I simply closed my eyes to blink but instead, I fell straight to sleep. As soon as I fell asleep, Felix woke me up again. I was angry but I was too tired to even speak. "Jack, your no fun!" I here him yell. I wake up a little bit more to where I could actually yell. "I'm tired!" "I understand that but look at me!" "Well I'm not you Felix!" "I didn't say you had to be me!" "You know, Mark would never yell at me for being tired and wanting to sleep! If I said I was tired, he would simply go to bed and let me sleep, unlike you Felix!" "Well I'm not Mark!" "I'm going to bed!" "Fine!" after that I get in the bed and instantly fall asleep. Felix really does get on my nerves sometimes but, I really miss Mark. Certain things that happens between me and Felix, makes me miss Mark even more.

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