Chapter 1: The blue Iris

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~~~~||\\|||Lilac's POV|||\\||~~~~

"Get up!" My mom shouted in my ear. "Shut up!" I grabbed a pillow and hit her with it. "You're going to be late for school." She said while walking out of my room.

I groaned and put my head underneath my pillow. Suddenly my dad walked in. "Hey sleepy head." He cooed. "Go away." I mumbled.

"Not until you get up!" He shouted jumping on me and tickling me. "Stop! Dad!!!!" I shouted, while laughing.

Finally I kicked off the covers and ran to my dresser.

My dad stopped ticking me. As I picked out what to wear, my dad drew the curtains open and bright light shot out.

"UGH!" I shielded my eyes from the disgusting substance. "What are you? A vampire?!" My dad joked while walking out of my room.

I chose what to wear and got dressed. I had a cute red tank top with the words, VANs written on it. Then I pulled on some skinny jeans and slipped on my favorite red Toms.

After I did my make-up, I decided to try to tame my wild hair. I brushed it out and got out a straightener.

As I watched it heat up, I decided to pack my lunch.

After that, it had heated up. After my hair looked decent, I headed out the door to my red Ferrari car.

I guess I need to introduce myself. I'm Lilac.

I'm 17 years old and I have a sister named Iris who is 15. I just had my birthday too.

I have blue piercing eyes and brown golden hair thats dyed blue at the tips that comes down to my waists.

My favorite band is, well my dad's band. He's in a band called Pierce the Veil, and I heard he met my mom because she was crowd surfing at a warped tour.

Yup, my mom is an idiot.

I have a little brother named Justin and he's only 11.

And she expecting another girl in December. I've been looking at colleges, but come to think of it, I don't really want to go to college.

I know you can get better jobs and shit, but I want to well start a band.

As I reached school, I looked up at the top of the building.

The light shown through like heaven was pouring out and I couldn't help but grab my iphone and take a quick snap. Suddenly I heard laughter.

Great it was Mackenzie and her "BFF" Julian.

She was your average plastic blonde girl who walks around in five inch heels and crop tops with no tank top under it.

But the good news is that this school is a Pierce the Veil freak, and hates prissy girls like Mackenzie. And everyone knew I was the daughter of Vic and Sandra, which made me the most popular person at my school. Lucky me;)

"Take your f... seats!" Mr. Mandesa yelled and almost cursed at our class.

I covered my mouth to keep from laughing but the sound some how just slipped through the holes in my fingers. "What's so funny Miss. Fuentes?" Mr. Mandesa pointed at me.

"Well I just thought that you would like to know that you say the word fuck like this, FUU-CC-KK." I made the word linger in my mouth.

Kids clapped there hands and screamed, "Way to go Lilac!" And patted me on the back. I

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