Chapter 4: Trying out love

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After Kellin dropped me off that night, my parents still weren't home. I shut the door and kicked off my vans, while plopping onto the couch, with a bag of potato chips. I was about half way through my movie, "Finding Nemo." When my front door opened.

"Hey sweetie!" My mother and my father walked into the house.

"Hey mom." I said, still starring at the tv. "How was your day?" My dad asked me. "Fine." I said blankly.

"Are you sure?" He asked again. Suddenly the feeling of Kellin's lips on mine interrupted my faking of not being in love face. I started to blush, and my dad noticed.

"Okay, who's the lucky boy?" he asked giggling. My mom kicked him in the shin.

"Actually, his name is Kellin. Kellin Bostwick." I answered burying my face in a nearby pillow to hid my embarrassment.

"Oh! I know his mom!" My mother said happily. I facepalmed myself, as if. "She's really sweet, and Kellin's probably the same." My mom said dreamily. My dad looked annoyed and then spoke to my mom.

"Your still in love with me though, right?" He asked worried.

"No! Lilac, I need some divorce papers please!" She joked, but had a look of seriousness on her face. My dad's eyes got wide, and he started to...CRY.

I've never seen my dad cry before. "Take a joke babe! I will always love you Vic!" My mom replied wrapping her arms around his neck and giving him a big juicy kiss on the lips.

She tried to pull away, but he pulled her closer, deepening the kiss. "Geez, that's disgusting!" I shouted pointing at them. My mom smiled through the kiss.

"Ha! it's not like you don't do that ether!" My mom poked me in the ribs. "ME? I would never!" I lied. "Honey your 18, you probably already have."

She rolled her eyes and walked into the kitchen, leaving me alone with my dad.

"You know sweetie, I want to see this Kellin kid, just to make sure he's right for my princess." My dad winked at me. "Maybe." I gave him the evil eye as to say: Stay out of my life.

My dad got the hit and laughed. "Well I got to edit some lyrics." He said and walked into his office.

Suddenly my sister Iris and my little brother Justin walked in. "Hey sis." I said. "Hey." She said eyes glued to her phone.

Then all of a sudden, she screamed. "OMFG! WHATS THE MATTER ARE YOU DYING????!!!!" I screamed over her, making sure she was okay.

Iris began to laugh and then blush. "I'm fine, but I just might die." She said between giggles. "What happened?" I asked still a bit worried.

"Kevin just asked me out!" She screamed again. I looked at her with disgust. "Really? all that ear shattering screaming for nothing?" I asked annoyed.

"It's not nothing, its a relationship!" She rolled her eyes and texted Kevin back. "Yeah whatever." I said unlocking my iphone. Then I saw it. And I screamed.

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