Chapter 5: Picture Perfect

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~A month later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

It was a cold day in October and kids were already preparing for winter break. Kellin and I had gone on count less dates. And I kept asked my self, I love him, but will this work?

As I parked my car outside of the school, I saw Kellin waiting for me by the glass blue flower pot as always.

"Hey beautiful." Kellin laughed and spoke at the same time.

I blushed and tucked a free flying strand of hair behind my ear. Kellin looked up at me again and said, "You know your beautiful Lilac."

And with that the bell rang, ruining the moment. I grinned and as Kellin was about to take off for his next period class, I grabbed his arm.

"Lilac, I want to stay too, but we have to go to class." He rolled his colorful orbs. I laughed and explained. "Kellin. I've never skipped school, but if I did, I would want to do it with you." I continued. "Will you skip school with me?" I asked him like we were going to prom or something.

Kellin caught me by surprise and lifted me up into the air. "I'd love too!" He said a bit girlish. But I didn't care. I was too wrapped up in the warm passionate kiss he gave me to even care.

As I got in my car and turn on the engine, Kellin put his hand on my thigh and asked me where we should go. "Well there's this really cool recording studio that lets you go on tours." I said, keeping my eyes on the road. "Awesome! Lets go there."" Kellin clapped his hands.

"You seem to really like music." I told him. "I love music. In fact I want to start a band, but I have really no friends who play instruments." "Why don't you tell them to start practicing to play one?" I asked.

"Because I have no friends." Kellin silently said. "Kellin." I said and looked him straight in the eye. "What's going on."

I saw that the light was red, and so I continued to look at him. Kellin took a deep breath. "I used to go to this awesome school in Florida. I was so popular and everything seemed to work out for me. People there loved music and the way I dressed, and my music choice, and even my hair. But then my dad got a new job, all the way in Utah." Kellin all of a sudden started to shed tears.

He wiped them away very quickly and started again. "Lets just say that those kids did not like my personality. I was bullied and I was only 13." Kellin took one look and me and then at the street. "Um... i'll tell you later, the lights green." Kellin pointed. I sighed and hit the gas.

Once we got to the recording studio we saw that the line for the tour was super long. I suggested going somewhere else, but Kellin protested. Boy did he really like music. We got our tickets and the ticket seller said we would be on the third tour. Awesome, time for Kellin to tell his story.

We sat down on a brick wall near the entrance and I tried to make conversation. But Kellin just starred at the floor and refused to answer me. "Look Kellin!" I said throwing my hands up.

"You're going to tell me this story and have a meaningful relationship with me, or you can not tell me the story and be single." I said smirking.

"You wouldn't dare." Kellin smiled a devilish smile.

"Oh yes I would." I replied.

"You can't make me!" Kellin crossed his arms and turned around like a baby. "Oh yeah?" I asked him. "Yeah." Kellin joked. Then I got an idea. I turned to face him and planted the most passionate kiss on his beautiful lips that Kellin couldn't help but swoon at.

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