Chapter 2: Your hand in mine

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   I woke up with my mom screaming at me, again. The only thing that got me up was the fact that i would see Kellin again.

I quickly threw on a black top, skinny jeans, and put on my combat black boots. after my make-up was done, I headed out and grabbed a bagel for breakfast.

 On my way to school I stopped by a Starbucks. When I walked in I got a text from my dad.

"Hey honey, your mother and I won't be home when you get home, go have fun. -Dad"

I smiled at the thought of hanging with my friends till dark. "Um hello?" A voice asked. I snapped abck to reality. The Starbucks cashier was asking for my money.

"Oh!  Sorry." I said sheepishly as I rummaged in my purse to look for a $10 bill. My purse was really messy and I couldn't seem to find my wallet. "Crap." I said while pushing away tissues only to find my keys, then melted chocolate, and of course an empty can of Monster.

I looked up a bit to see the cashier.

She looked really annoyed. I smiled bleakly and continued my rummaging. I was about to give up when I heard a familiar voice. "Here." The voice said.

I looked up, and there was Kellin.

"Thanks." The cashier said taking the bill Kellin had just given the cashier. Kellin nodded and then turned his attention on me. "Hey." He blushed.

"Hey." I replied sitting at the nearest table.

"You didn't have to do that, I could've found my wallet." I honestly said. Kellin laughed.

"It's fine, its the least I can do since you saved me in the hallway. Man I was so lost." Kellin chuckled. I felt my face get hot and looked away. Damn his laugh was so cute.

"Lilac!" I heard the cashier say.

I got up and received my drink. I loved how they wrote my name on the cup. It always was in neat cursive and they put a heart inside of a dot for the "I".

I took back my drink to the table. "What did you get?" Kellin asked me. "Black coffee." I answered sipping it.

"Ew!" Kellin pretended making a gag face. "Haha very funny." I rolled my eyes.

"I prefer a Carmel Frappuccino." Kellin said. I giggled and asked him, "You want me to get you one." "You're kidding me right? I was only pretending I hate caramel Frappuccinos, my favorite is Black Coffee." He admitted.

"You're so annoying!" I joked poking him in the ribs.

Kellin laughed and then checked his watch. "Oh my god! Were going to be late for school!" He gasped. I quickly grabbed my stuff and Kellin and I ran hand in hand.

When we got to school I parked my car next to his and walked in with him. "So, where's your locker." I asked. "Down there its locker number 3223." He pointed down a hallway. "Really?! Cause mine is locker 3225!" I giggled.

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