The Man Next Door (+Zustin Mieber)

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It was today that Zayn would eventually reside next to the very famous Justin Bieber. He necessitated to get out of the United Kingdom and inhabit in a contemporary enviroment. He spent a nighfall watching television when a apprehended Justin Bieber appeared. It displayed Justin's mansion in the idiot box and Zayn was transfixed by the vast place.

"Justin Bieber's neighbors are departing from their homes for good due to Justin's continuous troubling ways. Any words, Guliana?"

As the presentation on the tube continued to speak about the amateur 20 year - old, Zayn posthaste ran up the steps of his apartment and started boxing most of his belongings in preperation of giving Burke & Wills a call to help him move.

He was unmindful when it came to knowing about Justin's infuriating habits. He didn't listen to what the living souls on the television commented about the incompetent man. He stopped harking after E!News announced the movement of Justin's neighbors and quickly scampered up the steps to pack.

He commenced to believing that Justin Bieber was the same goody - two shoes from 2012 since he didn't watch much television. And before he knew it, he was moving in to the man next door.

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