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Later that day, Zayn decided to take care of the problem while looking at porn with a quiet Louis sitting downstairs, oblivious as to what he was doing.

After cleaning up and stuffing the flaccid thing back into his pants, he headed downstairs to his long time friend and continued to watch television without speaking.


Soon Louis left and Zayn decided it was time for bed since it was almost midnight. While trying to fall asleep, he couldn't help but to think about what happened earlier even if he didn't want to. It seemed so weird and out of order how a stranger could just walk in someone's home and get comfortable. Zayn couldn't really get mad since he's done a similar thing though for a different reason.

The thin boy also couldn't forget how he felt when Justin's confidence and dominance roared out. Zayn wasn't gay, though there's been times where he daydream, and was more than sure Justin wasn't either. Tabloids everywhere would show pictures and articles on a new girlfriend he seemed to have every month. But the feeling Zayn felt made him confused and aroused which only puzzled him even more. What was it about the dirty blonde's personality that could possibly make him feel that way and why was he feeling it all of a sudden?


When morning arose, Zayn had forgotten about the day before and started his morning routine with a smile.

Around ten am, Zayn sat down on the burgundy couch with a bowl of cereal and silly children shows playing on the tv in front of him. When the bowl was empty, he went to put it in the sink but stopped near the window that displayed his rude neighbor's house only to watch the man fondling a young woman.

And soon the weird feeling had come back to Zayn only to remind him of the day before. He tried to shake it off and mind his business but his body wouldn't let him as he kept looking at the pair. They looked like a good couple and before he knew, Zayn stormed away angrily with the picture of them in mind. Putting on his shoes and grabbing his keys, he left his house and climbed into his car as he headed to the grocery store. He had to do something to get the weird feeling to fade away.


After an hour or two of being at the store with his security guards, Zayn was back to his comfortable home with exhaustion from trying to avoid paps and taking pictures with fans but not before shopping for groceries. As he was putting the vegetables and fruits away, the doorbell rang and he seriously thought about hiring someone to take it off before he went insane.

Opening the door, he was met with a pouting Justin holding a basket of chocolate chip cookies. "I apologize for my behavior."

"Oh, no, no. I'm not falling for that trick. You can take those drug infested cookies and shove it in your ass. Bye, kid." Zayn barked out before a shoe stopped him from slamming the door and a body walked in. Slowly closing the door after himself, Justin sat the basket down on the brown coffee table in the middle of the living room before his smile dropped into anger which frightened Zayn a bit.

He strode towards Zayn as the twenty four year old backed away until his back hit the front door. They were now less than inches away and you could see the dribbles of sweat begin to roll down the side of his jawline as he tried to maintain eye contact.

A loud sound was heard near Zayn's face before seeing Justin drawing back his fist.

He had punched the door and now had a slight bruise forming on his knuckles. "Try that shit again and you'll regret it." His raspy voice whispered into Zayn's ear, making it tingle and his body feel hot.

And with that Justin turned around to sit on the couch as Zayn stood still from what he just heard. He was going to regret it? Why? What would Justin do?

No doubt he was a bit aroused but he ignored it and awkwardly sat next to the intruder. Why wasn't he kicking him out or maybe calling the police for him invading? Anyone in his position would've but Zayn's body couldn't bring him to pick up the gold phone from the coffee table and call the authorities. Something about Justin made Zayn feel obligated to obey whatever he wanted him to do.

Let him in his home, sure. Let him sit on his couch and watch television, sure. Suck his dick, maybe. Zayn just couldn't figure it out but he knew that being around Justin made him submissive and vulnerable.

"You should cook something for lunch." Justin absentmindly blurted out as his eyes were fixated on the tv. Without a reply or disagreement, Zayn stood and walked to his kitchen to prepare lunch but not before his wrist was grabbed.

Turning around, Zayn looked at him and as they made eye contact, Justin's cocky smile grew before he spoke, "Oh, yeah and do something about your boner. "

The Man Next Door (Zustin Mieber)Where stories live. Discover now