Chapter 11: Long lost Best Friend.

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the whole gang decided to stay the night to Hanji's house after what happened a while ago. 

it was now midnight, and they got a hold of their selves with some tea and sits on the couch. Levi unlike a while ago was shock and surprised with the sudden appearance of Erwin , Levi now feels a little jealousy and rage into Erwin's. 

The whole gang gather around the couch as Hanji , who was now in a more relaxed state of mind, introduced Erwin.

"Uhm, guys, this is Erwin Smith, my long lost friend" Hanji said it emotionless.

"Hi erwin." The gang replied.

Erwin nodded and just wave his hands a little.

"Erwin I need to talk to you" Hanji said. "What happened?"

Erwin went out a heavy breath before he spoke, and the two sat down.

"I thought you were dead Erwin" 

"I know Hanji, its a long story"

"then tell me" 

Erwin looked at everybodys faces that sure are able t listen to his story whether they know him or not.

"The time that I went to England Hanji, I told you that I was gonna study there. I did, I had some scholar on a university there, the first 10 years were nice, my family and I were doing good. not until the government on our city forced to get the male son of every family and transform them into soldiers so that they would be ready for the threat that the ISIS was gonna bomb our city. I wet to training for 2 years. and then just as what they said, ISIS really bombed the city. I was not there, I was on the training grounds, I was not there to save Mom and Papa Hanji, by the time we are out of the ground its just chaos. all my comrades are dead from the bombing, and I was left by just Me and Nile. we lived on a secret military basement to keep our lives safe and there I met Maria, Maria was a miltary nurse and she took care of me and nile, and that is where I spent my 5 years, hiding from the ISIS, they are unbeatable, they can even sacrifice their own lives just to bomb the whole city. once we felt that everything is fine we went out. We killed a few ISIS members so that we could hide away with their uniforms and be safe. there an old woman helped us escaped our city and flew far away from danger. and then when I already had some money to get back here you ere the first thing that I thought I would see. and I am so happy that I found you Hanji" Erwin once again caressed the face of Hanji, "I missed you" He mumbled.

Hanji removed Erwin's caressing hands and looked away, for Hanji seeing Erwin is a lot different now, a lot awkward, he never saw Erwin for like 2 decades and there he is being sweet as ever.

Levi on the other hand, only stares to the 2 reunited and glared daggers at Erwin "tch coward" Levi said subconciously. then Nanaba elbowed Levi.

"Do not worry, shes still yours" Nanaba whispered to Levi, she knows whats going on inside Levi's nerves.

"I dont care about that guy" Levi whispered and rolled his eyes. But inside him, he felt intimidated by Erwin.

The time came where the gang already slept in including Hanji, Levi and Erwin. Hanji let the unbelievable incident passed away for a moment, she had too much to think already and the dizzines that the alcohol bought was bugging her.

--Time Skip in the Morning--

Everybody in the gang went off early in the morning, so they bid goodbye to Hanji and thanked her and Levi for the amazing but still awkward night, Hanji also thanked them and make sure that they will do it again some time. 

Now only the three of them were left inside the house, Hanji, Levi and Erwin. but since Erwin is still asleep, the only awake ones are Levi and Hanji, who now sits in the bar stool drinking black and Jasmine tea. when Hanji noticed that there is something that is bothering Levi.

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