Chapter 22: Trouble Maker

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Author's Note:

Hello there!! Im good now, Im trying to write this chapter now a little bit long.. i suppose.. as long as there are infos on my mind and I wont have a writers block.. :) So here it is. Chapter 22, as the title says it. this chapter may have been a little of Levihan problems .. so .. thats it. :)

The first whole week of wedding arrangement went easy for LEvi and Hanji, as for their friends suggested some wedding organizers that made the work easy for the two of them, Also Levi and Hanji came up with a pretty line of guests on their weddings , of course the whole squad of Levi will never be forgotten on the list, such as also some co workers of Hanji like Nanaba, Rico, Ian, Moblit and Nifa. Hanji also wanted some of her students to be some bridesmades and groomsmen, like Mikasa, Eren of course with Carla and Grisha, Ymir and Historia, Sasha and Connie. Armin should be in it but he insisted that he would just take their pictures for it.

So for the whole week was easy as when the dismissals every weekdays Hanji and Levi will go to the organizer, of course they would also prioritize their job and not focus too much on the wedding. as they planned it. a beach ocean wedding with a garden like theme wedding, Hanji loved that type of weddings and Levi approved of it. the place was quite far from the Urban City, though it will took for about 3 hours to get there, the two made it a go. 

--Current Situation of the 2nd week of preparation--

"So there will be like 50-100 persons who will be present in our wedding," Levi continued as he speaks to the receptionist and the food organizer "It will be held on the beach so I suggest that meters away from the wedding garden where we will recite our vows, the reception and the food should be placed there, we dont wanna travel too long again just to get to the normal receptions in the Urban City so I think the food will also be there." Levi as he sits on the coffee shop with the receptionist with Hanji beside him.

"Oh. okay got that Sir, and I heard you've been assigning a wedding organizer too?" says the receptionist

"Yes we are" The two answered.

"Okay, so I think we need to collaborate with the wedding organizer so that it will fall perfectly, May we get the organizer's phone number Sir?" 

"O yeah sure. here" Levi got his phone and passed the number of the organizer to the two receptionist and food organizer.

Then the food organizer added "So. may I ask sir when will you be available for the food tasting and stuff?" 

Hanji looked at Levi and looked back to the man "Well. uhm maybe tomorrow 4:00 in the afternoon?" Levi nodded in approval.

"Tomorrow afternoon" The food organizer nodded as he jot down the schedule into his planner.

"So. I guess its settled sir" the receptionist commented.

"Yeah. Thanks" Levi replied as they shook hands with him and Hanji as they head out on their house.


"Levi honey, seriously, I still have some saved funds on my bank account, its not that when I said I am broke I really am 100% broke, plus I was able to save a lot now because you always insisted on paying everything since we got together. I feel stupid you know" Hanji said as she gives Levi his chamomile tea while he budgets the whole wedding.

"You ARE stupid. You know that Four eyes" Levi teasingly smirked at Hanji and continued "No, Hanji. I am the guy. I was suppose to pay for this matter, so shut your ass up okay?" as he scribbles the expenses and computes on the calculator.

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