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By the time training was over that day, we were exhausted. Dean guided us to our dorms and we got settled in after showering.

"Finally I can sleep!" Ronnie said as she dramatically fell back onto the bed spacious bed below her, there was a knock at the door. Opening it, I heard a bag of Lays pop, and Ronnie's disappointed groans as she plopped into a pillow.

When the door opened, we were greeted by the smiles of Dean and Mike each holding a tray of food. "Miss us!? " Mike asked or more like stated before the both pushed their way into our room and started sharing out food.

I would kick them out but. They have food. Come on who can pass up some Pizza Hut, ice cream, and other junk ?? Food over sleep, my life policy.

That night, we basically had a party among ourselves. Mike even invited 6 other people who brought more food. This is amazing, I'm in junk heaven. I swear I'ma fat ads but who cares? Not me!

Every thing was going fine until one of Mark's friends, Jayden, made some sexist remarks and homophobic comments.

"Alright, we can all agree that women are only here to make babies and clean up after us men. Other than that, they serve no purpose. They should just understand that men are superior, Right babe?!" He put his arms around me, probably drunk.

I was about to say something but Ronnie cut in. She took a deep breath in " Do you wish to call home ? Or leave a message ? I always like to give my victims a chance to tell their parents how much of a fuck up they created before they die " She spoke calmly with a somewhat sadistic smile spread across her face, but he just laughed.

"Don't worry babe, you're next on the Jay-man's list, I promise " He said winking at her, then spotting an LGBTQ+ hand band on her wrist. " Oh so You're a fag. Should've known it. I've practically been inhaling fag since I walked in."

" Must've been smelling yourself. Its always those insecure boys who refuse to acknowledge that they rather like it in the -- " I was interrupted by a slap to my face.

"I refuse to have a bitch talk to me like that!" He yelled.

Ronnie calmly walked up to him, removing me from his arms. And looking him in the eye. " Yeah im not that straight, but you know what, " Jay-man " ? " she grabbed him by his collar and shoved him against the wall " Taste the rainbow bitch. " Ronnie kneed his balls in and I punched him right in the face. It was like a tag team. I watched as he slowly hit he the floor, feeling a sadistic form of satisfaction fall over me.

She was about to pounce him again but was halted by Dean who grabbed the chair from the corner and crashed it down on Jayden's head during his attempt to get up. We all watched, half our mouths agape in shock and the other half chanting in persuasion for another hit. The drama attracted more people from outside which was great because we get to embarrass him. He fell to the floor once more, as the wooden pieces from the chair fell, sprawling around him. That's when Dean hazily made his way over to him, punching him in the face multiple times.

Mike ran over and started pulling him from on top of Jayden's blood stained form. After a few pulling and tugging, Mike managed to remove Dean from Jayden. Dean looked at what he had done and walked out of the room slamming the door behind him.

2 of Jayden's friends ran up to him and picked him up as Mike urged them to leave.

"You better watch your backs." Jayden wiped his face as he walked towards the doors. I didn't like him having the last word. It made me feel inferior to just take the threat lightly. That was not going to happen. That's when my body started tingling. An anger that I never felt before started bubbling inside and refused to be subdued.

He looked back at me and smirked with his bloodied face "Mark my words princess!" A pile of papers to my left bursted into flames as Mike hurriedly tried to out them.

"Oohhh scary!" He mocked and laughed with his buddies. This angered me more. A powerful burst of wind started circling in the small area and things started to fly. The coat he had on caught fire.

At that moment, I couldn't help myself. The fear I saw in his eyes gave me strength. I was on the upper hand now. I could slowly feel the anger in me take control and before I knew it Ronnie was screaming for me to stop.

I couldn't. I was no longer in control. The terror I caused made me feel all the more powerful. Knowing that they couldn't compare to me. The anger in me became even more flowed easily as I allowed it to. I love it.

A soft voice spoke to me. Begging me to come back towards the light. But I pushed it away. I never want this feeling to go away. It was Ronnie's voice, calm and soothing. She was reminding me about all that I have to lose. My mom, my family, her. Something clicked and before I knew it I was back. I was seeing clearly again. No mire blurred images or distant voices.

The entire room was in flames and I stood in the middle. The sprinklers were on desperately trying to out the flames I caused. I was soaked from head to toe. My hair matted to my face. The anger slowly burning out and the darkness going back to hide.

I turned to see everyone gone except Ronnie who was at the door looking at me with fear in her eyes. She ran towards me and hugged me. Her hug felt so foreign to me, but comforting at the same time. As u indulged in her hug, the fire in the room subsided to only a flame which was quickly extinguished by the sprinkler.

I don't know what just happened, but I loved it. I want to do it again. I know its bad but i can't help the way I feel. No one can know I feel this way.

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