The Plane Ride Part 2

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Thomas POV

Yay. Stuck in a flower and most likely gonna die. A boy still holds my arm close to him despite how much he looks daddy, and a homophobic slut sits in front of me. Yay. 

"Hello everyone so we just got word from the owners of the land, and it turns out we have to sacrifice someone. But don't worry we're looking into the matter to see if possible to do another way." As soon as the man finished I could feel glances or stares in my direction like I was a rabbit and they were wolves. The slut in front of me turned around

"I say they leave" he had a evil grin on his face "Gay is not ok" this caused several other people to stand up

"We're gay activists, we're not gay, but does that mean we should leave?" the man looked confused on what was being said


"Yes, why?" the woman spoke again

"....Uh....because you're standing up for....something...that's wrong"

"Yeah, and um explain uh what's wrong uh?" she added extra uhs to make fun of him. I think I found my new best friend

"Oh right...uh...mmm...I just...It's just...It's wrong because it's gross?"

"Here that everyone? What do you think?"

"I already told you"

"No I mean them, the audience of this conversation" she definitely was inflicting murmurs "Do you think 10 lives in the place of 1 or 1 in the place of 10?"

"They think I should live" 

"Sorry I wasn't asking you to tell me I was asking them....You know what we'll do a vote" 

"That's not needed they already came up with a conclusion"

"Raise your hand if you think 10 people in the place of 1" everyone except for one person raised their hand. The rest of the passengers grabbed the raised hand and used it to push over to her husband. It least it looked like she was

"Ok it's been decided"

"No" a boy from the crowd stood up "I didn't get to vote"

"Your vote won't make a difference anyway"

"Yes it will" I couldn't just stand here, watching the boy debating something in his mind. I had to do something. I do recall glancing at his notebook. I feel a rush through me that took me through what just happened, and it all replayed. As soon as the sensation stopped I knew what needed to be done. I hold a hand up to the lady and look directly at the boys eyes

"Listen to me. You don't even know what gay means and even if you did, Do you really think your parents deserve to live? After all the've done to you? After all that pain purposely put in your life? After all the occurences?" I must've seen right because the teenage boy broke down

"Then I get to push them off" wait what?

"If you find that something you need to do then do so" the boy walked forward and opened the door as the lady said this, and hesitated looking at his mom. The woman's eyes begged for mercy but the boy had none. He took hold of her arm and threw her, but she held on. I lunged forward and grabbed the back of his shirt ripping it as I did. Then pulling him back in I kicked the woman's hand off of his own and watched her get swallowed whole by the darkness. The man slut next to us gulped. The boy immediately thanked me. After he turned to his dad he did the same except easily got him to go. I could here the man whispering pleads to the boy as he was dragged to the opening telling him it wasn't his fault, but the boy didn't fall for his father's tricks. 

Five Hours Later

As soon as we landed I rushed and grabbed my bags. Running through all the people, I made it to the taxis before everyone else and paid extra if he went over the speed limit. He did. I gave the man the money and stepped outside to a park. I almost automatically spotted the boy in the picture that was in my head, and made my way over. I will save you Newt.

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