Chapter 1:The Plane Ride Part 1

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Written by MeowKittyCat123

Thomas POV

After giving the border officer my ticket I got onto the plane and took a seat near the window to insure I could see danger first. As the plane ride stretched on more people got on the plane, and I was served more wine the first class seats around me became less first class. Little kids walked through trying to get to the first class restroom, but were stopped and turned away by the attenders. They then giggled and ran back to their side making sure to leave mud on the white plush carpet. The attender sighed and knelt down to clean it up. He looked reasonably good for having to wear that ridiculous outfit. 

"Hello sir do you need anything?"

"No, but maybe the use of your phone?"

"What for?"

"Well I seem to have misplaced mine so I was thinking I could borrow yours"

"If you want my number you could've just asked"

"Oh..uh well can I?"

"Yeah sure" he laughed a small laugh handing me his phone

"Wait you're really gonna give it to him?" a mid-aged man from a seat in front of me spoke up

"Uh yeah he is, hence why I have his phone" I added a sass to my voice and wrote his number down

"Seriously?" he spoke again "That's disgusting, I must now complain to the airline"

"Sorry what?"

"I must complain. What didn't you understand? Gays are gross"

"Sorry but you may not make any calls due to flying conflict"

"Really,please" he then picked up his phone and started making a call. Passengers please stand by we are having a slight direction problem meanwhile please turn all devices on airplane mode or off completely. Nevermind you dumbasses weren't fast enough, we will be crash landing soon enough. 

"I told you"

"Yeah whatever, it's probably just a prank right?"

"No it's not we're overhead a jungle and are about to land in a really big flower" I say this as I look down at our oncoming doom watching the flower slowly envelope around us. Hearing people scream, cry, and just turning this place to a madhouse. I feel Minho's hand squeeze mine, and the speakers come on trying to calm everyone down

"Don't worry everyone it will be alright" yeah,sure.

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