Closets Are For Clothes Prompts

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Prompt: I was thinking about a prompt. Where Noah had a dream about Max really jumping, then he wakes Max up and they cuddle. :)

A.N.- Okay, I'm sorry if this one came out weird. I haven't written as Max and Noah in a reallyyyyyyy long time (possibly over a year? I don't actually remember...) so it was kind of hard to remember their personalities and stuff, especially Noah. But I hope this is okay!!


                “He’s up there!”

                Owen’s voice hit my ears and my head snapped up. My eyes widened as they landed on Max. He was so far up. I didn’t remember the building being so damn tall.

                “Max!” I cried.

                He was standing at the edge of the building, agony in his eyes. He inched closer to the edge, the tip of his toes peeking over the edge.

                “Max stop!” I cried in alarm.

                I looked around desperately. Pierce, Owen, and Nason were watching Max, none of them moving to stop him. I could tell by their expressions that they had all given up.

                “He’s gonna jump,” Pierce said.

                “We’ll never be able to stop him,” Owen said.

                No, no, no. My Maxi couldn’t jump. He just couldn’t.

                “Max, don’t jump!” I screamed, sprinting forwards. I was going to stop him. I wasn’t going to let him do this.

                I entered the building and my feet pounded against the stairs viciously. My legs wouldn’t move as fast as I wanted them too, though. They seemed to get slower and slower with every step I took.

                After what felt like forever, I threw open the door and exploded out onto the roof. Max’s back mocked me, and I realized that he had inched even closer to the edge.

                “No! Max!” I yelled, trying to run forward. But I was slowing down again. Slower, slower, slower…


                He didn’t turn around as I screamed his name. He bent his knees and I found myself screaming wildly.

                “NO!” I shrieked in horror as he flung himself forward, dropping towards the ground at a rapid speed. I began to scream again, throwing myself forward and-

                -nearly falling off my bed.

                I caught myself, my heart slamming violently, sweat beading on my skin. My eyes widened and I flipped around, studying Max carefully.

                His chest rose and fell as he breathed. He was okay. In the dim light of the room, I could see the scar on his wrist.

                But he was alive. Dear god; he was alive.

                “Max,” I whimpered, tears rising in my eyes. I reached over and shook him.

                “Mmm?” He cracked his eyes open. “Wha…?”

                His sleepy voice had me letting out a weak laugh. I pulled him so that he was sitting up and threw my arms around him.

                “I had a dream,” I whispered. “And it wasn’t a very pleasant one.”

                Even tired and confused, he hugged me back. “What was it about?”

                “You,” I said, burying my face against his neck.

                “Wow,” he said. “That’s pretty rude. Wake me up and tell me that I was the center of your nightmare.”

                I blinked in surprise. “Huh, I guess that did sound kind of bad. It was a dream of you…jumping,” I muttered.

                His grip on me tightened. “I’m alive. I’m here. I’m not going anywhere,” he promised quietly. “I was stupid and overemotional. I promise I’m not going anywhere, Noah.”

                “I love you Maxi. So much,” I said, turning and kissing him with everything I had.

                “I love you too Noah,” he said when I broke away from his lips. “You look tired.”

                He laid down, tugging me with him. I wrapped my arms around his waist and he hugged me back, snuggling against me, our bodies curving together, fitting like pieces of a puzzle.

                “Are you okay?” he asked me, concern in his voice.

                “I’m fine now,” I assured him, kissing him again. “As long as you’re here, I’m fine.”

                “You’re so cheesy in the middle of the night,” he said, laughing. I smiled at the sound of his laughter.

                “I’ll be idiotic and sarcastic when I’m more awake,” I said, pressing my forehead against his.

                He smiled and cuddled up with me, pulling the blankets over us. He freed one of my hands and slid his fingers through mine, squeezing my hand reassuringly.

                I pulled him close, holding him to me. I couldn’t imagine my life without Max in it. I don’t know what I would’ve done if he had really jumped that day. Hell, I probably would’ve jumped after him.

                “Hey, stop it. I miss silly Noah,” Max said, kissing the tip of my nose.

                “Silly Noah just had a terrifying dream, so he’s hiding right now. He’ll come back eventually,” I said, offering Max a small smile.

                “Silly Noah is my favorite, so he should come back soon,” Max said and yawned.

                “He’ll be back when you wake up. Now go to sleep,” I said, lightly rubbing my thumb against the back of his hand.

                “Goodnight Noah. I love you,” he mumbled sleepily, his eyes closing.

                I held him against my body, smiling as he drifted back off to sleep. I loved Max so much. I would keep him happy so that he would never even consider harming himself or taking his own life ever again.

                “I love you Max,” I whispered. 

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