Prompt #3

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Prompt: Max wakes up Noah in the middle of the night because he can't sleep, so they, you know ;) ;)


                I rolled over, and then rolled back. I stuck a foot out of the blanket, but that didn’t help either. I tried lying on my back, but it still didn’t help.

                I pouted and rolled over, putting my head on Noah’s chest. He didn’t wake up, just continued sleeping.

                I shifted my head to his shoulder, but that didn’t help either. Feeling frustrated, I tried curling my body with his and closing my eyes.

                But sleep still wouldn’t come, and I felt uncomfortable for some reason. I sat up and glanced at Noah, sighing.

                “Noah,” I whispered, shaking him.

                He rolled over, pulling the blanket over his head. I pouted again and shook his harder.

                “Noah!” I said, my voice a little louder this time.

                He rolled back over, slowly opening his eyes. “What?” he mumbled sleepily. “What’s wrong? Are you okay, Maxi?”

                “No,” I said.

                He sat up, looking more awake. “What’s wrong?” he asked in concern.

                “I can’t sleep,” I said.

                He rolled his eyes. “Don’t scare me like that, Maxi!”

                “But I can’t sleep!” I whined.

                He put his arms around me and laid down with me, kissing me. “Why not?”

                I shrugged. “I don’t know. I don’t feel tired and I can’t get comfortable,” I sad.

                “Is this comfortable?” he asked curiously, holding me closer to himself.

                “It’s comfortable, but not enough to sleep,” I said.

                He pushed me onto my back and crawled on top of me, his body a familiar weight on mine. I blushed a little as I looked up at his grinning face.

                “Is this comfortable?” he asked, his breath tickling my ear as he brought his lips close to it.

                “I definitely can’t sleep like this,” I said, my voice a little shaky.

                “Then maybe you should give up on sleeping.” His grin grew.

                “Oh? And you have another suggestion?” I asked, my heart rate increasing.

                He bent down, bringing his lips to mine. I kissed him back, my arms going around his neck, holding his body against mine, loving the feel of our bodies pressed together firmly.

                He parted my lips, his tongue brushing against mine. My legs tangled together with his and he used his hands to keep some of his weight off of me.

                “Well now I’m awake too,” he whispered against my lips.

                “You are,” I said with a nod.

                “Should we…you know…” He winked at me.

                I grinned at him. “We should definitely…you know…”

                We looked each other in the eyes, my hands still around his neck, his lips still dangerously close to mine. Our grins grew wider.

                “LATE NIGHT HUNGRY HUNGRY HIPPOS!” we cried.

                We jumped out of my bed and ran out of my bedroom, down to the basement. We grabbed Hungry Hungry Hippos and set the game up, beginning to play.

                “I’m glad you woke me up!” Noah said happily.

                “I’m glad I couldn’t sleep,” I said, smiling brightly as we played.



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