Prompt #6

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Prompt: Max falls asleep when everybody is watching a movie, and Noah,Owen and Pierce are kinda in awe at how cute he looks. Thanks :)


                I put the movie in and jumped onto the couch. Max curled against me, his head on my shoulder.

                “Maxi, you look tired!” I said, poking his cheek.

                “I am,” he said, rubbing his eyes.

                I kissed his cheek. “Take a nap!”

                He shook his head and offered me a tired smile. “No, I’ll be fine Noah!”

                “He’s afraid we’ll sharpie his face if he falls asleep,” Pierce said, and Owen snickered and nodded.

                “I will not let you defile my boyfriend’s adorable face!” I cried, wrapping my arms around Max protectively.

                “Shut up and watch the movie,” Owen said, flicking a piece of popcorn at us.

                We turned our attention to the movie as it started to play. Max curled up and rested his head on my lap. I began to play with his hair as we watched.

                “What! That’s not possible,” I said about an hour later. “He can’t do that! Maxi! How is that possible?!”

                I looked down at him and snapped my mouth shut, realizing that he was fast asleep. I smiled softly, because he looked absolutely adorable.

                He was curled up, his head comfortably in my lap. His hair was swept across his forehead, lightly tumbling into his eyes. I brushed it away, my smile growing. One of his hands was lightly resting in a half fist on my knee, and the other hand was carelessly sprawled in front of his chest.

                I looked up and noticed Pierce and Owen staring at Max. There was an affectionate look in their eyes.

                “He’s so cute,” Pierce said, shaking his head in disbelief. “A 16 year old should not be that cute.”

                Owen smiled at Max. “That’s our Maxi. Cutest damn thing, even when he’s asleep.”

                “He just looks so peaceful,” I said, going back to playing with his hair. Sometimes I couldn’t believe how cute my boyfriend was, though. Gah, he was freaking adorable. I bent down a little, lightly kissing his cheek. “I love you Maxi!”

                “Don’t wake him up,” Pierce said. “I’m not done creepily watching him sleep!”

                “Me either,” Owen said, laughing a little.

                Max shifted a little, his hand gripping my pant leg. He released it, his head burying against my leg.

                “Guys, we’re watching him sleep,” Owen said with a sigh. “We take creeper to a whole new level.”

                “But he’s adorable,” I gushed.

                “He is,” Pierce agreed with a nod.

                We found our attention drawn away from the movie and onto Max. We couldn’t even help it; the guy was just so damn cute. We all smiled at him and how adorable he was.

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