Chapter 6

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Ellie's POV

I sit up after I wake up and look at my phone for the time. '8:00 am'. I groan and throw my head back onto my pillow. I slept a good 6 hours from yesterday. I look at my phone and see what day it is. August 15, or in other words the 7 year anniversary of when I died. Well might as well get up considering I'm wide awake. I make my way down to the kitchen and start grabbing things to make cookies. Just as I finished grabbing the ingredients the kitchen door opens and Alec walks in.

"Hey" I say.

"Hey." He says back and goes to the fridge to grab left over Chinese food.

"Couldn't sleep?" I ask him starting to put ingredients into the bowl.

"No, too many memories and things going through my head. You?" He asks and sits in front of me at the island.

"Same, literally." I tell him surprised that he was going through the same thing as me. "Want to talk about it?" I ask. "You can help me make cookies!" I suggest.

"Why not, just heads up I'm not the most open person out there." He says putting his dishes into the sink and washing his hands.

"That fine, neither am I." I say. "I used to be with a few people. Then everything changed" I tell him looking down thinking of Jonathan again. "Uh, you can start with cracking the eggs." I tell him and he nods.

"What changed?" He asks me, "you know if you don't mind me asking." He says telling me he's not prying. That was always his strong suit.

"Um well, one passed away when I was 3, and the other... Um... The other one... We lost touch when I moved to Brooklyn. I think he moved too so the numbers changed." I say creating a believe able story.

"Oh I'm sorry for your loss, and that you lost contact." He says looking at me.

"It's fine really. What about you? Any sad stories or people you could tell things too?" I ask. I know it's weird for me to ask this to him since it's going to be me, but I want him to be comfortable talking to me again, even if it's not me, me.

"Oh, me?! Yah I did years ago. Her name was Elizabeth, we grew close after she moved in with my family for a year after her family died. She was moving to this institute from Idris, the shadowhunter homeland, but something happened. Uh, the car she was taking got into an accident killing the driver and her. 7 years later and I still can't forget her. For months I stayed in my room and just stared at photos with her, me and our friends in it." He looks down, "I'm not entirely sure why I'm telling you this, I haven't told anyone this. They just think I locked myself in my room." He says, I grab his face and make him look at me.

"Hey, hey it's okay. I won't tell anyone, I promise" I say rubbing circles on his cheek like I used to when we were little. I see him close his eyes and smile slightly, and chuckles. "What?" I ask.

"Nothing, it's just never thought I feel someone do this again. Elizabeth use to do it to me to calm me down. Thank you." He says and I smile chuckling as well.

"Anytime." I say. Out of the corner of my eye I see the bag of flour, I reach my hand into the bag and throw a little bit in his face. He shoots me a surprised face, I burst out laughing.

"What was that for?" He asks.

"You need to let go and have fun Lightwood! You stick in the mud" I smirk at him.

"What did you just call me?" He asks smirking.

"A stick in the mud!" I laugh.

"You asked for it" he said and I watch him reach into the bag and pull out a handful of flour as well. My smirk drops.

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