Chapter 34

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Ellie's POV

I burst out of the front door of Valentine's old hide out.

"Fuck." I say when I look around and don't recoginze anything. "Where the hell am I?" As I say that I remember I can make portals, I search for my stele but can't find it, it must have fallen out when Valentine pushed me into the portal. I let out a groan and burst back into the building and straight to Valentine. "Where am I?" I yell at him, no answer. "Yo, dick. Where am I?" I hit the container. Still no answer so I open the cell door and find no one there. "Shit. How the hell." Just then my phone rings, I didn't fall out of my pocket thank god. "Hello?"

"Hey, are you okay?" I hear Magnus whisper on the other end.

"Hey Magnus! Oh it is so good to hear from you. Look I need your help." I tell him.

"What's wrong? Where are you?" He asks me still whispering.

"That's the thing. I have no idea, can you track me by the ring you gave me. You know the one right? The leaf one." I tell him.

"Yes of course I remember it was the night of your 16th birthday. Give me a minute okay stay on the phone and don't go anywhere." He says and I do exactly as he says but step outside instead of staying inside in case there was a protection spell. "You still there?" He asks coming back on the phone.

"Yah, I'm still here. Do you know where I am?" I ask really hoping.

"Yes. I do know where you are..." He pauses.

"That's not reassuring Magnus. Where am I?" I ask again.

"Um, well... your in Chernobyl."  He says.

"Chernobyl?! You mean in Ukraine?! What the hell." I say turning in a circle seeing where I am exactly. "Okay um, by any chance have you traveled to Chernobyl before?" I ask sheepishly.

"No, I'm sorry Muffin I haven't." I let out a disappointed sigh. "But..."

"But? But what?" I say getting a little bit of hope.

"But ... I have been to Rovno, Ukraine." He tells me and I do the calculations in my head.

"Okay, so if my A minus in geography is correct that is 331.4 km meaning that is 67 hours away.... Magnus that's almost 3 days away." 

"I know, I know but that's the best I can do I'm sorry Muffin. I'll meet you halfway okay I promise, just start heading out now and I'll see you in 24 hours okay. I just have to finish up with the trial." he says.

"Okay. Thank you Mags this means a lot to me that you have my back. Don't tell anyone where I am please. I'll call them and let them know." I say.

"It's no problem of course I have your back no matter what, and I know you'll always have mine." He says and I smile, I love Magnus like a big brother he would do anything for me and i would do anything for him. "I love you E!" He adds.

"I love you too Mags! I'll see you soon." I say and hang up the phone. I let out a deep breath and start walking. I should call Iz or Jace, let them know I'm okay. I pull my phone back up again and go to my call app but just before I could press Jace's contact my phone dies. "Well fuck. That's just great." I let out a sigh. "Oh well I'll see him in a 24 hours." 

Clary's POV

I'm sitting on a chair beside my mother who is floating in the air with Alec standing across the room and Jace at her feet. Alec just stands there and stares, Jace came out of Ellie's room a few minutes ago and I'm guessing he told Alec what happened. Jace is upset and blames himself but it's not his fault, she did it to save both of us and Valentine was the one who pushed her through. She's alive I know it, I can feel it, I've been trying to get Jace to think that too but it's not working he's hurting to much, Elizabeth was his adopted sister that he just got back and lost again. He moves to in front of Alec.

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