Chapter 40

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Elizabeth's POV

I sit on my bed for a bit longer staring at the picture of Jace, Izzy, Alec and I together of Izzy on Jace's back and me on Alec's. I think about what Jace said about taking my own advice and let him in, even just a little bit. I groan and get off my bed walking out of my room to the main hall to help Izzy with decorating for the wedding. When I get there she and Alec are talking, I think about going back to my room like a coward but that's not me, I must face the thing I don't want to. At least that's what 'dad' Lovelace always said, clearly, he never took his own advice, I don't want to be like that.

"Now with all the dignitaries arriving for the wedding mom must be beside herself." Izzy says looking at the silverware. I make my way over now before I convince myself to turn around.

"This wedding is becoming more of a headache than I had planned." Alec says with his back facing me.

"You don't have to go through with this if you don't want to." I say announcing myself.

"Ellie!" Izzy says running up to me and hugging me. "What are you doing here?"

"I thought I'd come help. Jace and I got talking and he made me realise something." I say, she smiles. "I over heard your conversation when I got here. You don't have to go through with-it Alec." I say hoping he will call it off, but I know he wont. It takes a minute, but he responds reluctantly.

"It's what I want." He says straight faced.

"Okay." I say then turn to Izzy. "What can I do then?"

"Are you sure?" She asks, I nod.

"Yah, if this is what Alec wants then I want to help make it worth it. We were best friends before feelings got in the way right Alec, why not go back to that place." I say turning to him. He just slowly nods, and Izzy wraps her arms around me.

"Well we can start by throwing him a bachelor party!" She says excitedly.

"Oh, my angel yes!" I say truly excitedly.

"A what?" Alec asks confused.

"A bachelor party." Izzy says again.

"I don't need a bachelor party." He says.

"Please Alec! It's going to be great I promise!" I plead to him. "Come on this is the first thing about this wedding I'm actually excited about. Let me at least do this one thing for you." He starts walking away, Izzy and I follow him.

"Besides nobody needs a bachelor party Alec, but were going to throw you one anyway." Izzy says.

"Well Jace should be the one throwing it, but I'm practically Jace so I'm the next best thing." I say, Izzy and I stop as Alec continues walking.

"Besides with everything going on with Clary, I don't wanna ask him to do anything. You know what I mean?" Izzy says to him, he turns to face us while walking.

"I do, sisters can really drive you nuts sometimes." Alec says, I smirk because he's taking about Iz going all out on this wedding.

"Okay so now what?" I ask her.

"Now we go to Simon." She says and starts walking to the front of the institute.

"Uh, what? Why?" I ask catching up to her confused as to why we are going to see him.

"I know nothing about throwing a bachelor party, Simon is a mundane, was a mundane I'm sure he knows something." She says.

** 15 minutes later **

"I never realized how long but nice of a walk this trip is." I say when we arrive at the Hotel DuMort. "I'm used to portaling here, the few times I've actually come here." We walk into the hotel and are greeted by a bunch of vampires led by Raphael.

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