Chapter 25

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Ellie's POV

Clary, Izzy, and I walk through the front door of the institute together  before Izzy runs off to the photo booth. Clary and I walk farther into the building to see it covered in Alice through the looking glass themed stuff. 

"Holy..." I start

"Hatter." Clary finishes and we laugh before Jace comes up to Clary and takes her away.

"Ellie." I turn around and see Ryan standing there.

"Hey." I walk to him a little.

"I know you dont like me." He says.


"I know you love Alec and I want you to know I'm okay with it." he says looking to the ground.

"Ryan, Alec hates me. He calls me Rose for angels sake. What makes you think I li-" He cuts me off.

"I've seen one of your texts you sent him.'i love you too Alec' He doesn't know your Jamie does he?" I shake my head.

"I was going to tell him tonight." I say honestly.

"Good. Go tell him. I'll be fine." He says and I give him a sad smile before kissing him on the cheek.

"Thank you Ry." He smiles and turns to walk away when I see Magnus stuck at the front door. "What's going on here?" I as Raj.

"This guys trying to crash the party." He responds.

"I'm telling you I'm on the list." Magnus tells Raj.

"I'll be responsible for this one." I say pulling Magnus into the party ignoring Raj's glares. "Go get Clary I'll meet you at the door to the basement. I need to do something quickly." I tell him and he goes to Clary. I look at the dj's table and see Alec standing there. I let out a breath and walk over to him. "Hi Alec." I say when I get there.

"What do you want Rose? I'm waiting for someone." he says not even looking at me.

"I know. Your waiting for Jamie, the girl your hoping will say yes to your proposel." I say leaning agaisnt the dj's table, His eyes widen.

"How do you know that?" He says defenceful.

"Think Alec. Use your brain, how could I possibly know that? The only way I could possible know is..." Realization comes accross his face. 

"Your Jamie Spring!" 

"Ding, Ding, Ding! We have a winner. See why I said wait till you meet me in person because you'd change your mind." he just looks at me. "You know what I'm just going to go. I just thought I should tell you who I was." I walk away and reach Magnus who is trying to snap Clary back into reality. She snaps back as soon as I get there. "Let's go get this over with." I tell them and we start walking to the basement door.

"Jamie Spring." I hear my name being called over the speakers. "Or should I say Elizabeth Rose Lovelace." I turn to see Alec standing on a stage looking at me.

"What do you want Lightwood?" I ask annoyed because we need to get this mission done.

"For those who don't know I've been friends, or rather aquatences with Elizabeth here since we were 4 years old. We hated each other so much that we only ever talked when we were with our friends and even then we just called each other by our last names and middle names. For 5 years now I have been talking to this girl named Jamie Spring, I don't know much about her personal life but I knew pretty much everything else about her. Her fears, what makes her happy, scared, angry. Everything." He pauses and everyone's eyes were either on me or him. Alec continues. "I grew to love Jamie and actually asked her to marry me two days ago." The crowd gasps, "She told me to wait till we met in person becuase I might change my mind... and she was right... I don't want to marry Jamie Spring..." The crowd gasps again and in my head I just say 'called it'. "See tonight I finally met Jamie, she wasnt at all who I was expecting. I was expecting a red haired, kind, smart girl." I'm not sure I can listen to this anymore. "Instead in front of me was a kind, intelligent, beautiful, ball of furry brunette. It's true what they say, you never know what you had until it's gone. Elizabeth was always there for me even when I pushed her away." Alec starts walking towards me. "I never thought of what would happen if I didn't have her in my life anymore until tonight. I saw what my life would have been like without her. Lonley, boring... loveless." He was now in front of me. "So no I don't want to marry Jamie." He pulls his family ring off his finger and kneels in front of me. "Elizabeth Rose Lovelace... Will you marry me Alexander Gideon Lightwood? I am sorry for how rude I've been but I hope you can forgive me because I really do love you." I stare at him speechless.

"I-I- i lov-" I start but Magnus cuts me off.

"Elizabeth we have to go now." I look at him then back to Alec.

"I- I have to go...." I take a step back but Alec grabs my hand.

"You didnt answer me." I look him in the eyes and melt. 

"Yes." I breath out and a smile appears on both our faces. "Yes Alec, I would love to marry you." He stands up, sliding the ring onto my left hand and kisses me. I pull back, "I'm sorry to do this but I have to go, I have something I need to do." I tell Alec quietly before looking at him guilty and turning grabbing Clary and Magnus' hand and going through the basement doors.

Alec's POV

"JACE!" I yell after I found him from our parabiti rune track. "I need to go." I tell Lydia and Hodge.

"I'm coming with you." Lydia says.

"NO! Stay here. I'm going on my own." I walk out of the room. Elizabeth is alive and has been with me for months pretending to be someone else. I should have gone with her when she asked me to come with her but no I held onto my pride and said no like an idiot. I just hope she's safe now and not in danger. I'm sprinting to the part of the Seelie court that I tracked Jace to. I make it just in time to see Jace just about to go through a portal. "Jace!" I yell.

"Alec?" I am now in front of him.

"What are you doing?" I ask him out of breath wishing I put my stamina rune on.

"A demon got through, I'm going to help." 

"Where are the girls?" He just stares at me. "Jace where's Elizbeth?" I ask getting mad. He point to the portal.

"They're in there. Alec I have to go. Those people are defeceless." 

"I'm coming with." I state.

"Alec that's not a good idea." Jace starts.

"I'm coming with. Let me through." I tell Meliorn and he does. Here we go, Jace and I walk through the portal. No turning back now.

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