Chapter 11:

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Suga: get me a coffee while you're at it

Hyejin: No

Suga: just do it

Hyejin: say 'please"

Suga: just get me a damn dark coffee

Hyejin: SAY IT


Hyejin: yup 😊

Suga: I don't want any sugar or creme in the inside, ask for some sugar on the outside

Hyejin: K

I waited for 'J' to come and hurry up but he was under the table, and somehow I didn't notice that, and had jumped out when I sat down. I let out a small scream, jumping up and hitting my knee on the table.

He started laughing.

"How did you not notice?" He said as he finally calmed down.

I hit him on the head with my purse, not enough to hurt.

"Ow. Take a joke!" He said still grinning.

I shook my head.

Next time I'll kill you.

I glared at him, and he seemed genuinely scared for a minute or two.

Can you please tell me who you are?

"Nope. Not yet." He looked mischievous.

Fine have it your way.

I returned the mischievous look in my eyes, and started writing down on my board.

Coffee creme and sugar on the side
2 piece coffee cake
2 slice chocolate cake
Vanilla bean frappe
Choco chip frappe

I was going to order more, but that summed up around $40.

"Well... played." He said clearly annoyed.

I smiled.

I showed the board to the waitress who looked confused for a second, but then quickly realized the situation.

"Alright." She said as she left.

"If you're waiting for the waiter, doesn't that mean you're the waiter?" He randomly said.

Damn. He has a point.

Bro. Fr XD

I wrote.

"It's true though." He said.

This guy was so random.

And I loved it.

"If you drop soap on the floor, does that mean the soap is dirty or the floor is clean?"

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