Chapter 4. This isn't like me.

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The next morning I woke up really re-freshed and ready to take on Australia. The clock said 9:57am and the sun was hitting me in the face from the crack in the curtains.

I groaned and used my hand to block the sun from my face but it didn't work.

"Go away!", I complained and threw my pillow at the curtains.That jusyt made thing s worse.

I rolled over but could not get comfortable so I decided to get up and get ready, I have a concert tonight. 

I walked out into hte kitchen to pour myself a drink and have breakfast, suddenly I remembered what happened last night. I turned to face the window in which the girl was last night. It was still so odd to me. I shrugged it off and went and sat on the lounge where my mother was sitting, watching something on t.v.

 "Mum, did you hear anything last night?", I asked her. She turned to me and looked quite puzzled.

"No, I didn't. Was I supposed to?", she asked, a bit concerned. 

"Um... No. Dont worry then", I told her and went back to breakfast. She didn't look pleased with the 'explanation' but just went back to watching t.v.

Someone was here last night, I just know it, but why did I just let her off the hook? She was in my hotel room and most probably was the same girl who stole my beenie. I could have gotten her arrested for breaking an entry or for theft. There was something about her that stopped me from, lets just say, dobbing her into the police. For crying out loud, I haven't even told Kenny, or my mum. There was something stra...

I was woken from my daydream by my mother " Justin are you okay? You look abit sick.", she  was worried.

"I'm okay, just thinking about tonight, you know concert and all." I smiled at her but she didnt look convinced.

"You look pale. Are you sure your okay? I can call a doctor?", she said almost said so quickly that her words were slurred.

"Mum. Im F.I.N.E. Fine. Dont worry about me right now okay", I convinced her, but did not convince myself. Maybe I did need a doctor, but no the type that helps sick people, maybe the type thay helps mentally insane poeple though.

I got up and put the dishes in the sink. Mum walked past and said she was going out, I don't know where though,  I guess she just wanted out. I wanted to go out to but if I did i'd get mobbed and I really don't feel like that right now.

I was bored so I looked around for the book I was reading and , Guess what, I FOUND IT. I sat down and started reading from where I left off. The book sent  shivers up my spine and made my heart pound, It was such a good book, considering that I dont normally read.

I put the book down so I could go to the bathroom and when I came back it was gone. Where the book was, there was a note. The note said, " Dear JUSTIN BIEBER!, I'm so sorry I took your book and I'm so sorry I scared you last night, Signed your Secret Stalker. xx"

That was extremely weird. Not only would I have to go buy another book, but she was in my bedroom this time, what happenes next? Will she watch me in my sleep or take my underwear next and post them on ebay? I shuddered. That was a creepy thought. I went to call the police this time, but as I picked up the phone I heard footsteps running.

I jumped up so suddenly that I pulled a muscle in my leg, and ran out the room to see what it was. There was nothing but an open window and the curtains being blown by the wind. Again I looked outside, and saw the same girl, with my book.

" I really need to do something about her, tell someone, other than Abbey, or just put a lock on the window", i mumbled to myslef.

" Crap, and a heat pack for my leg" I whispered, remembering that I pulled a muscle. I limped over to the couch and sat down.

 l don't know why, but again I had the same feeling. I didn't want to get her in trouble. There was something about that girl that a part of me wanted to let her stalk me. No only that, but i decided not to put a lock on the window after all, better yet, i'll leave it open so she doesnt wake anyone when she comes in. I dont know if what im doing is a good or bad thing but all I know is that i'm letting her stalk me without her knowing it.

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