Chapter 34. Home Early

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Jayde just passed out in front of me and I pulled her up onto the bed. I called the hotel to tell them to call emergeny. I ran to the bathroom and wet a flannel. I wiped the wet flannel over her body to cool her down. She was very hot, she probably had a tempeature.

When she didn't wake up I felt for her pulse. Good, it was still beating. Five minutes later two paramedics came in.

"Where is she? What happened?"the first one asked me.

"um, she's on the bed. She just went pale and passed out.", I rused them into the bedroom.

The female doctor took her temperature and the male docter took her blood pressure.

"41 degrees celcius.", the women said grabbing something out her bag.

"Blood pressure is high.", the man said also grabbing a small packet out his bag.

They both turned to me. "Is she allergic to anything?"

"Not that I can think of.", I told them hoping I was right.

They gave her two tablets and walked over to me. "She'll be fine. Just rest. Lot's of rest for her.", he told me and they both left the room.

That was confusing. I walked over to the bed and sat down next to Jayde. I felt so bad about everything. About getting her pregnant, the party, the bruise which was almost gone on her cheak, almost drowning her and well everything else that I've done to her. I was like her bad luck charm.

I was crying and the tears were drippig off my face into the cheak. I didn't realise it untill she moved her hand to wipe the tears from her face.

"Jayde? You gave me quite a scare there.", I told her while wiping the tears from my eyes.

"Justin, I'm sorry about that.", she laughed, soundung weak, " Help me sit up please."

I helped her up and fluffed up the pillows behind her back. She still looked really pale and really sick. I left the room and returned with a glass of water for her.

"Here.", I said as I passed her the glass.

She took the glass and held it to her lips. She was shaking and so was the glass. She went to pass me back the glass but she dropped it.

"No.", she said in a raspy voice.

The water spilt all over the bed but the glass didn't break. I picked up the glass and put it on the table next to me.

"It's fine. It's just water.", I told her and pushed the hair out of her face.

I smiled but her face dropped and she went to get up. I helped her stand and she walkd over to the bathroom and shut the door. I could hear her thowing up. I opened the door and held her hair back.

After 10 minutes she stood up and washed out her mouth and washed her hands. She went and sat on the bed.

"This seems more serious then morning sickness, darling.", I told her.

"Hmm, What about the honeymoon?" she asked me. She had no expression.

"Your health is more important than any honeymoon in the world.", I told her, "We are going home tomorrow."

The next morning we caught the first flight back to Canada. I had rang mum and she was meeting us at the airport. As soon as we were in her sight, mum ran up to Jayde and assessed her.

"She looks terrible!", she said outloud "I mean, she looks terribly sick."

"I know. The doctors in Rome said she was okay but what do they know? They don't even speak our lanuage.", I told her.

I was helping Jayde she lost her footing. Mum quickly caught her and walked on the other side of Jayde.

Once we got home I helped Jayde into bed and mum made her some chicken soup. We had to feed her  the soup as she was too weak to hold the spoon. After that we left her to get some sleep.

We went out into the kitchen.

"I don't think all she is rest. I think those Roman doctors were wrong.", I said to mum as we entered the kitchen.

She stopped and stood in front of the counter. "When she wakes up we willl get a doctor over here.", mum said and looked up from the bench.

"Hmm, do you think it has something to do with the kid?", I asked mum.

"Depeneds. How many weeks is she?", mum asked.

"Um, I'm pretty sure she is 24 weeks.", I told her.

"Hmm, I'm not sure. Did you guys get all your injections before you went?" she asked.

"Um, yeah we did.", I remembered.

"I can only think of one thing.", mum said closing her eyes.

I walked over to the table and sat down. "What is it?"

"I cant remember the name of it but it's something to do with the pregnancy", mum said biting her lip.

I looked up at the clock. It was morning still. At 1:00pm I have to go out somewhere with Scooter. "Okay, I have to go out at 1:00. Can you look after her?", I asked.

She gave me a confused look. "Why wouldn't I?"

I shrugged and got up to get ready to go out. I checked on Jayde just before I left and she had just woken up. 

"Hey. How you feeling?", I asked her and sat on the end of the bed.

She tried to say something but no words came out. She flinced and put her hands on her stomach. She scunched her teeth together.

"Im going to get mum okay?", I told her and got up leaving the room and found mum.

"Jaydes awake. Call the doctor, now!", I rushed mum and saw her dial a number on the phone.

I went back into my room and sat next to Jayde. She was really pale and sweating. I hope this wasn't too serious. I bit my lips and moved the hair out of her face. She relaxed back into the pillow for a moment and then was in pain again. 

"Don't worry. It's basically impossible for you too have the baby now. This will pass.", I told her and squeezed her hand.

Mum popped her head in the door. "The doctor will be here in 10 minutes. Oh Justin Scooter is here for you", she told me.

I sighed and left the room. I saw Scooter waiting in the hallway. "You ready?", he asked me.

"Um not really. I'm not going out today. Jayde is really sick and I need to be here.", I told him and rubbed my arm anxiously.

"What?, you can't stay home. When I found out you were home early I booked a time to put together the new album", he told me and crossed his arms across his chest. 

I sighed. "I can't go. I'm sorry. You choose the songs  that go on the album. Okay, I HAVE to stay here.", I told him harshly. He gave in. 

"Fine, but you can't complain if you dont like the sings I pick.", he walked out the door and shut it.

I was just about to go back to Jayde and the doorbell rang. At first i thought it was Scooter but then I remembered that he doesn't knock, he just walks in. I opened the door. It was the doctor.

"Hi, I heard there was a sick lady in the house?", he asked.

"Yes, yes hurry.", I said stepping aside for him to come in.

I lead him to the room and he saw Jayde straight away. he ran up to her and did some quick examinations. After 10 minutes he turned around.

"Get her to a hospital, now."

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