Our Passionate Love moves together.

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"We are not reading MariChat." Marinette said.

"Yes we are!" Cheered the class. Just then Adrien walked in.

"What's going on?" He questioned.

"MariChat Fanfics!" Yelled Alya. Marinette groaned.

"Uh... Okay?" Adrien said sitting down. Marinette was sitting on the teachers desk. As it was after school.

"Okay its only gonna be bits and pieces. Oh and warning it gets Sinful!" Alya said.

Marinettes eyes widened. She went to protest but Alya started.

"Oh Princess dont cry." Chat said. Marinette was on her bed sobbing. She was once again bullied by the Bitch Chloe!

Everyone shot her a glare. "Sad to say this is something that happens. Also none off this is true. Except the Princess and Bullied by the Bitch" Marinette explained.

Most student's had their heads down enjoying the story. Adrien included, although it was more to hide his face.

"Chloe... She She" Marinette was sobbing to hard to finish. Chat pulled Marinette it a hug.

"Shh... Dont listen to her. She's jealous, your way prettier and more talented"
Marinettes sobs stopped. She looked into chats eyes.

His green forest eyes.

Slowly chat leaned in and presses his lips to hers. They shared a long love filled kiss, but soon it turned into more.

"Okay stop!" Marinette said. Her hands moving wildly. The class groaned.

"Fine... Then were reading... Ladrien!" Alya yelled. Adrien's head perked up.

"Adrien get yo butt up here Marinette sit back down." Alya instructed.

"Alya please dont--" "---Shut it pretty boy. My turn!" Alya said. Marinette put her head down. Only to hide her blushing face.

"I'm starting!"

Ladybug layed under Adrien. She was only in her mask Bra and underwear. While Adrien only in his boxers.

"Dude..." Nino said shaking his head.

"This didnt happen Nino!" Adrien said.

"Adrien..." "Shh..." Adrien shushed her. He leaned down and kissed her again. He was playing around with her bra until it unclasped. Ladybug gasped as the air hit her bare chest.

"Adrien please..." Ladybug said. She couldn't take the teasing anymore. She flipped them over and she sat on top of him. Then she started moving her---

"Okay I can't do this!" Adrien said sitting down at his desk.

"BananaBoy grow up!" Alya said.

"I agree with Adrien" Multiple people said.

"Fine... Well read LadyNoir!" Alya yelled. Multiple groans were heard. This was gonna be a long day.

"I dont think I can take more of this.. So gross!" Nino said. "Ugh...Fine then. Let's start!" Alya said causing the class to bang their heads on their desk.

"Chat... No... Please" Ladybug said. "Please" She cried. She didnt want this to happen why her. "M..My la--ady." Chat managed to say.

"You stupid Tom Cat!" Ladybug cried. "You can't do this... I need you... Paris needs you."

"Take my ring please." Chat said his voice ruff. Ladybug took off his ring. To she the love of her life there dying in her arms. "No..No..No!!" Ladybug was crying harder. Her transformation fell.

"Please.. Dont cry. I just wanna let you know. I--I love y-you." Chat said falling limp.

"Okay stop!" Marinette yelled! "Nope can do it to sad. Nope..."

Alya smiled. "Alright then... Adrientte!"

"WHAT!" Everyone yelled. "Yep BananaBoy boy Mari get up here." Alya said.

"Please dont be sinny or sad..." Marinette whispered to her.

"Let's start!" Alya said. Most people shipped them so hard they were actually happy.

"Stop moving!" Adrien begged. "Sorry! My legs cramping! Also claustrophobic!" Marinette complained. They got stuck in a very small closet after an akuma.

"Mari please!!" Adrien begged more. She kept moving and it did not help the situation.

Something poked Marinettes leg.
"Ow! Adrien move your phone!" Mari said. "Thats not my phone." Adrien said. "Then what us it?!" Marinette demanded. "Um... Uh." Adrien didnt know what to say. He couldn't just tell her 'Oh yea see thats my thing. Your body was moving against it.' It would be weird.

The class bursted out laughing. Adrien and Mari sat there with red faces. They looked at teacher nodded, then walked out of the room.

They never again looked at their self's or Alter ego the same. Never were their minds innocent.

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