Chapter 2: Wind beneath my wings

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I packed my bags, while humming my favorite song Troublemaker. Ever since Chance and Lilybeth told me my secret life, I began to wonder about things, Like where did Sirens come from? What powers do I have? Where are my parents? These question kept stirring in my head, making me confused. Ashford walked in, carrying his bag of clothes. He looked at me while I sat on my bed, folding my clothes and putting them away into my bag. "Hey beautiful" He said grinning. I smiled, then zipped up my bag. He sat by me and wrapped his arm around me. I blushed quickly then stood up. " Hey Katie... I know your going through alot of stuff but just know I'm always here for you, come talk to me whenever you need someone to talk to." I nodded then shoulderd my bag onto my shoulder. He stood, kissed my cheek then got his bag and left the room. Chance came in with an angry look on his face. "What were you two doing?" I felt my face get hot, I clentched my jaw. "What do you think Chance? That we had sex? You should know me better. It offends me you think I would do something so stupid at 15!" I felt my whole body heat up as he grabbed my arms and kissed me right on the lips. 

 I held it for a couple seconds then pushed him away. "Why?! Why did you do that?" I slapped him across the face. But before I could make contact he blocked. He looked really sad with his brown eyes burning holes into my heart, making pure guilt grip me. "Katiemarie, I have had a crush on you since I first met you, your eyes sparkle all day, and that one day when you fell asleep with your head on my lap, I couldn't help but pet your soft, beautiful black hair. I have always thought you should have the right guy, but you date these guys who want nothing but sex, it worries me to think of what they might change you into."

 I blushed, staring into his dark eyes. I suddenly felt more safe then I have been for the last two days. He kissed me again, but pulled me closer. His hands ran up my back then through my hair, making me shiver under his touch. "I love you Katie, I always have." He let go and left me still puckering a little. He chuckled and left the room and turned of the light. "Go to bed Katie, we have a long day for training tomorow." I just slipped into bed with two names in my head. Chance ~ Ashford 


I woke up tp a bowl of cereal, and a glass of orange juice next to my bed. I quickly ate, put up the dishes. I put on some gray yoga pants and white t-shirt and zipped on my black jakcet and tied on my white Nikes. I walked into the living room and found Chance and Lilybeth in red and black clothing. Lilybeth looked at me with a small smile. "Katie Underwater, its time for your training to become a siren, the Guardian of the rest of the sirenkind." I nodded and put my hands on my hips all sassy-like, which made Chance grin, but not enough for Lilybeth to notice. Lilybeth did her gorgeous smile and grew white, bat-like wings, then threw an Ice Ball at me, I paniced and threw my hands out infront of me, then the Ice Ball burst into golden flames. Lilybeth smiled of approval and Vhange chuckled then threw me against a wall with a cold dush of wind.

"Ow! Hey that was cold!" He shruged. "What did you expect? Tropical winds? We're not in Hawaii Katie" I rolled my eyes at his remark and got up. "Next in your training, you will have to grow your wings to power your attacks more, to do that close your eyes, and feel a spark, then imagine it flowing out into the rest of your body, then open your eyes and imagine your wings growing from your back."

 And I did, I felt my spark flowing to the rest of my body, then I felt wings sprowting from my back. I looked behind, and saw ruby red fourteen foot long wingspan of bird looking wings. I felt the feathers and they felt like theyy were skarp, painful metal. Then Chance threw more wind at me, but I blocked it with my left wing by reflex. Chance nodded of approval and Lilybeth waved her hand which meant dismissal. "Since when did you throw air around like you were a mutant weatherman?" I asked with a small grin. He laughed and pulled me close when he turned the hallway from Lilybeth's veiw. "Its a Banshee element. Sirens elements are the fire, water, air and earth. Banshee elements are more advanced. Like wind, death, ice and sun." I nodded and kissed his cheek, he smiled and kissed mine and he chuckled. "I'll see you tomorow, now go take a shower and get lunch, we have to go to Los Angeles so we can live in secret, so Mrs. Cracklsia wont find you again." I nodded and headed for the bathroom with Chance grining at me as I closed the door.

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