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(Y/n)'s pov
I woke up from the noise outside my room. "Aish. What's all the noise about?" I got up from my bed and changed into one of my pink and gold hanbok after I took a bath. I went out of my room to see Ban Ryu,Soo Ho and mother having breakfast together. "Ah,(Y/n) I see your up already. Come! Have breakfast with us." Mother gestures to the seat beside her. I ate my meal quietly when they continued to chat. "Ah,Ban Ryu ah. Did your father tell you about your engagement already??" Ban Ryu looked at mother confused. "My what?Engagement??" I tried my hardest not to say anything. "You see your father told me he wanted to arrange you with (Y/n). I thought he told you already. I guess not." I looked down not noticing the stares that were directed at me. "(Y/n),your okay with this arranged marriage?" I look up and see Soo Ho's concerned stare. "Yes, I talked to someone about it and she is going to do something about it." I continued eating my meal as my mother explained everything about the marriage to my best friends. "Master Young Shil said he wanted Ban Ryu to continue their bloodline. He wants them to get married and have children." I choked on my rice as Soo Ho gave me water to drink. "Are you okay,baby?" I nodded. "Yes,mother. Just a bit shocked about the thought having children at this age." She nodded and avoided talking about the arranged marriage. I stood up after eating my meal and excused myself to go to the garden. I arrived at the garden and whistled.Pa Shil came out and walked towards me. "Pa Shil, I need to get out of here. Please get our horses were going to go practice archery." He nods while I grab my bow and arrows. He return after he grabbed our horses and we headed off to a field.

Soo Ho's pov
         I excused myself after (Y/n) left. I followed her and saw her with a male. I saw them talking but I was too far to hear anything. I just saw the male leave somewhere while (Y/n) grabbed a bow and a handful arrows before jumping on the horse and rode away with the male. I went back in and told Ban Ryu and we decided to follow them. We grabbed our horses and followed them in a distance. They stopped at a field with targets already set. She rode to the other side of the field and  rode back while shooting arrows at the targets. She got down and settled herself at least 10 feet away from the targets. She shot ten arrows. All perfectly in the center. "Woah..." Ban Ryu muttered beside me. I watch intensely as she whipped out her sword and ran to the target throwing her sword hitting the bullseye. She then wailed loudly we were about to run to here when that male with her made his way to her. She hugged him and started crying. 'Why does it feel like I want to punch that guy in the face? I just wanted to comfort her but he is there? Who is he?' I turned my horse around not wanting to see what was happening behind me. "Aish, why are you leaving?" Ban Ryu rode his horse beside me. I silently ride back heading straight to Okta drinking as much soju as I can.

(Y/n)'s pov
        I couldn't take it anymore I wailed loudly. Pa Shil comforting me. He knows everything I've been through. He let me cry on his chest my tears soaking his hanbok. "Why must it be me,Pa Shil? What did I do to deserve this??" I gripped his hanbok tightly. He patted my head to calm me down. "Aish,this kid. You may be going through this but that doesn't mean that this is meant to bring you down. The things happening now will only make you stronger. I know you hate what's happening now but I know that your just hurting because you don't like him that way." I calmed down and pulled myself out of his embrace. "Thanks, Pa Shil." He patted my head. "No problem,(Y/n)." I retrieved my arrows and went back home to return the stuff I used. I took a bath and applied some light make up to my face. I grabbed the hair piece father sent me and placed it on my hair. I wore my navy blue silk hanbok and went to Okta.

            Pa Shil insisted on accompanying me to Okta so I didn't have much say in it. We entered Okta and went to a private room beside the room Ah Ro was telling stories in. I laugh and listen carefully to the stories she was telling while drinking some soju. Moments later the door bursts open showing Soo Ho and his clique laughing and drinking. "Ah, what do we have here?" I stand up and walk towards Soo Ho. "Are you drunk?? Aish,what am I going to do with you??" He smirked. "Sleep with me. Or maybe you can sleep with your precious boyfriend!!" He growled as I flinched back. "What are you talking about,Soo Ho? Are you talking about him? Goodness, he's not my boy-" He cuts me off. "Stop it!! I saw you two in the field he was hugging you!!" I was taken back. "You followed me?" I furrowed my eyebrows. "Me and Ban Ryu followed you. We saw you wail. We were about to run to you but he was their first." I saw Pa Shil stand up from the corner of my eye. "Soo Ho he's my g-" He cuts me off again. "Oh stop covering it up!! I KNOW YOU BOTH ARE IN A RELA-" This time I was the one that cut him off. "OKAY!!STOP THERE!!YOU CAN GO THINK I HAVE A BOYFRIEND BUT YOU THINKING I WAS IN A RELATIONSHIP AND NOT TELL MY BEST FRIEND ABOUT IT!!That is just...I'm disappointed in you." I turned my back on him and sat down slouching. "I thought that I could trust you my best friend since childhood and you accuse me of this. I just...I think it's better if we don't be best friends anymore. Friends even. You have gone too much to hurt me...Goodbye. Pa Shil let's go. I'm not in the mood to have fun anymore." I stood up and exit Okta with Pa Shil trailing behind me.

Soo Ho's pov
        I watched her as she exit the room. I grabbed my hair. "What have I done?? Ughh!!(Y/n),wait!!" I ran after her grabbing her arm pulling her towards me. "Please,anything but that. I...don't know what's happening to me. I feel angry when another male is with you. And I feel so happy when I'm with you...I don't know what's happening to me. Please...I-You're the only one I can lean on too. I can't afford to lose you,(Y/n). I'm sorry. Please don't leave me." She struggles to get out of my embrace. "Soo Ho let go. Let go." She whimpered out. "Please (Y/n). I'm begging you. Don't leave me. I'm sorry. I won't do it again. I promise." I feel her tears dripping on my arms. "Soo Ho,I want you to listen to me. First of all,Pa Shil isn't my boyfriend he's my personal guard. Second,why would I get a boyfriend when I am already arranged to marry someone,remember?Thirdly, who in the right mind would unfriend her best friend for almost her whole life?" She turned around hugging me back. "I deserve a hug for all the years we've been separated from each other." I chuckled reminiscing all the days I cried missing her and her warm hugs. She let go first I have to admit I was sad but I smiled when she kissed my cheek. "Goodnight,Soo Ho. Sleep tight. Dream of me!" She teased walking away with Pa Shil back to her house. "Aish,that girl. If only you knew how I dream of being with you every second."

Word count:1387

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