Chapter 10: Home Sweet Work

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Check out the Sophia and Coulson Video!!! I really loved how it turned out!


Chapter 10: Home Sweet Work

The sudden bright light hitting my faces forces me to turn my face deep into my pillow. Confused on what is going on, I try to ignore the sudden interruption to my sleep. However, my effort doesn't work too well as I suddenly jolt from my surprise of hearing a loud but familiar voice.

"Good morning ma'am," Jarvis says, "it is now 5AM, the sky is clear, but the weather seems to still be a bit chilly, I'd recommend wearing a jacket on your run."

I lay there ignoring him once again. I know I should get up, but the soft and warm bed I'm surrounded with feels much better than getting up.

"Ma'am, you must get up now or I will turn on the horn until you do so."

"Fine!" I yell, finally getting out of bed, "why do you do this to me, Jarvis?"

"I only do as I am asked."

"When did I ask you to torture me?"

"I can replay the audio in which you ask me to wake you up every morning at 5AM and to not let you sleep for whatever reason, it is dated from last week, Monday at 6:28AM in which you had snoozed me to let you sleep and you were late. Ma'am."

"Jarvis, just because you're right and add ma'am at the end doesn't mean I am not annoyed," I snap back as I walk into my closet. Not wanting to waste any more time than I already had, I quickly change into shorts, a hoodie, and some running shoes. Grabbing my phone, I head out of my room closing my room slowly as the rest of the house is dark and quiet. Normally, no one is awake until after I'm back from my run. That's usually when I find Pepper in the kitchen about to head out and Tony in the garage working. That's all my dad ever does and that's all ever Pepper does; at least on the average weekday.

During the past couple of weeks, conversations about what I wanted to do with my life had still been going on. My dad brought up the idea of me attending MIT, as he had and said he knew I was capable of it. I know I am too but being robbed of so many years with my family, I don't just want to take my dad's money and leave, even if it was for my education. At least for now, I think I'm more inclined to work for the company in one way or another. After all, I can always go and get a couple of PhDs' later, right? Tony even had me take some placement exam of some sort last week to see what I was best at. His argument was that I could be done with two degrees within a two-year time period.


"Listen, kid, if you can do it, just do it,"

"But, I have so much time to do so. Plus, I don't think I truly need a degree to know that I'm smart. I already got that through SHIELD," I argued back as I sat down at his desk.

"You could honestly get yourself like two degrees in about two years though," he argued back.

"Dad, no offense but you don't have any Ph.D.'s. You stopped at your masters, right? Why can't I stop with SHIELD?"

"I stopped because I had gotten to the point where I had the capacity of being able to teach the classes better than the professors I had. I got two master's degrees at the same time. I had more than enough on paper and in my brain to start making, you know, stuff. Why waste time?"

"Come on dad, I don't need any Ph.D.'s either I have enough with my brain," I said as I started spinning around in his chair.

"Kid, I know you're smart. But what you have done with SHIELD is mostly field and not so much smarts. Either way, I don't think SHIELD 101 transfers to your average degree," he said as he grabbed onto the chair and stopped me from spinning, "based on your practice exam results, you could easily get a Ph.D. in Physics and engineering. I knew you were smart when I met you, and even more, when I found out you were my daughter, obviously, why wouldn't my kid be smart. But you're much smarter than I thought. Heck, you might be smarter than me."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2019 ⏰

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